Unforgettable primary school life composition 300 words

Unforgettable primary school life composition 300 words

Six years ago, as a first-year student, I entered a brand-new primary school. Time flies like flies, year after year. In a twinkling of an eye, six years of primary school life just like a fleeting fleeting fleeting moment. Now, I am about to graduate. At the moment of leaving my alma mater, my heart is full of deep love
I can't forget, every teacher in the school! I can't forget your kind eyes, your earnest teachings. It's you who feed us with sweat and nourish our thirst for knowledge with the rain of knowledge In these six years, through the hard cultivation of teachers, we not only learned the knowledge in books, laid a solid foundation for learning, but also understood a lot of the truth of life
Can't forget, dear students! Can't forget our friendship, more can't forget our time together day and night. Looking back, it was a colorful yesterday. Yesterday, we struggled in the examination room; yesterday, we competed on the court; yesterday, we argued in class; yesterday, we sang in chorus Yes, what a memorable yesterday I can't forget
I can't forget the past six years of campus life! Every morning, the students arrive at school on time for early reading; as soon as the morning exercise bell rings, the students quickly stand together and go downstairs in turn; in class, the students listen carefully and actively raise their hands to speak; after school, the students are active in sports on the playground The annual school sports meeting is even more wonderful. In all kinds of sports, the cheers and cheers of the students on the field are deafening. The competitors abide by the rules, strive to be the first, adhere to the principle of friendship first and competition second, as if they are holding a small Olympic Games. This is my familiar campus life
Ah! What a wonderful primary school life, how much happiness and harvest you bring me, I will never forget!
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Unforgettable composition of primary school life (with specific examples) (600 words composition of grade 6 of primary school)

Time flies, in a twinkling of an eye, six years of primary school life has passed, I experienced ups and downs with my classmates, that sincere feelings, let me miss, unforgettable. Unforgettable, the teacher's kind face; unforgettable, the teacher's serious words; unforgettable, the teacher's profound teaching; still remember, When I first went to school, it was the teacher's warm big hand holding my little hand that led me into the palace of knowledge. With a key casting hope, I opened the door in my heart. It made me understand the truth of full of loss and modest benefit. Once, in a test, Mr. Liang (math teacher) issued a paper, saying: This is a small test, the problem is very simple, I hope you can do it seriously, After that, I had a good check. The paper was handed out, and I read it again. The question was very simple. I was very happy that the questions in the first two exams were more difficult than this. I got full marks. What's this? So I took out the calculus paper and answered it As time went by, I finished my answer in less than 20 minutes. I looked at Mr. Liang and didn't pay attention to me, so I took out a piece of white paper to draw After two long classes, I handed in the paper with confidence, and then I answered with my classmates. Oh, my God, how is it different? Forget it, forget it, whoever you love is wrong, no matter who is wrong! Then I went out to play. Because I was good at learning, Mr. Liang used to judge my paper first. After a while, Mr. Liang called me to the office and showed me my paper. Suddenly, it was like a bolt from the blue, I was stunned there, this This, this How is it possible? 71 points, even excellent! I quickly read the paper again, people's problem is addition, in the end let me write a subtraction; the original problem is 7.2, I copied 72; there are a few simple oral problems did not write God, this is my masterpiece of arrogance! After a long time, Mr. Liang slowly said: is this your level? You let me down too much. Although this question is simple, you should be serious. Why are you so proud? Is pride useful? Yes, what am I so proud of? Looking at Mr. Liang's questioning eyes, I lowered my head. Unforgettable, students' humorous expression; unforgettable, students' humorous words; unforgettable, I still remember that when I was sad, it was the warm words from my deskmate that comforted me. It was the funny words from my classmate that amused me. Seeing his naughty face, I laughed and he also laughed. A few days ago, my grandmother died, and my grief came to me like a devil. I was depressed all day, and I didn't know who to talk to, Wang Shuangxing, seeing me like this, teases me all day, but his real smile doesn't bloom on my face. There are several happy boys in my class. They don't have a good relationship at ordinary times. But when I'm not happy, their humorous words make me laugh, and I become the carefree bird again. Now, six years later, we are going to a new starting point in our life, Welcome a brand-new journey. We all play together, read together, jump rope together, cheer together. After the final exam, we will go our separate ways. Only this unforgettable primary school life turns into childhood memory and continues to take off to our ideal! The unforgettable primary school life is like an arrow of time. In a twinkling of an eye, five years is like a cloud away from me, I'm in grade six. The life in primary school makes me miss, infatuate and recollect. Now, our classmate's life is only one year, and I can't help thinking of the past. There is only one short year left in my alma mater. In this thousand days, I'm just like a seedling, like a grass, like a seed, under the careful care of the gardener and teacher, Under the irrigation of heart, we will grow vigorously and grow into a big tree. In the future, we will repay our motherland, our alma mater and our teachers. Listening to the teacher's advice over and over again, listening to the teacher's instruction over and over again, relying on the students' mutual help and mutual encouragement, we all grow up together. It seems that we are still echoing the sound of reading in the class, In the playground as if surrounded by our laughter, in the campus there are our figures playing, in every corner, we have left unforgettable memories. The past is still fierce in the eyes, memory still heart. Under the guidance of my alma mater teacher, I got a lot. I got a lot of friends, also got the teacher's good advice and new knowledge, It makes me a good student with knowledge and good manners. I have left many unforgettable memories in my alma mater. The most important thing is to get the best education and the compass for future life. But now my time in my alma mater is running out. Looking back, I seem to urge my teachers, encourage our teachers, and have a lovely campus, I don't know when we have become the eldest brother and elder sister in our school and the role model of our younger brothers and sisters. Now I look back and think that the teacher's teaching, our reading sound and the laughter of our classmates are still lingering in my ears. Seize the last year in my alma mater to have a look at the lovely campus and the teachers who teach us, Look at the students who encourage me and cherish the last day of my blind date. There is no banquet that will never end. Time will never come back. I will always remember the teacher's encouragement, be an upright Chinese, and remember that tomorrow's Three Guarantees will be proud of me. Ah! Beautiful campus, how much joy and inspiration you bring me, I will never forget. Unforgettable primary school life is fleeting, In the blink of an eye, six years of primary school life is about to pass. The school with a long history at the foot of Yandun mountain is my alma mater. It is full of trees here, the sound of books here, and the cradle of our growth. Here, we have left many childhood footprints and happy laughter. How unforgettable the life of primary school is! I remember when I was in grade one, it was parents' open day, Many parents came to our classroom. This is Miss Huang's Chinese class. She asked us to read Lesson 17 autumn aloud. We began to read aloud. As we read, I began to lose energy. So I took an eraser from the drawer to play and put the book on the desk. I thought that the teacher would not see me playing. I played and looked at the teacher, I even forgot to put the eraser in the drawer and started reading with everyone. After class, Mr. Huang took me to the office to talk and criticized me for being absent-minded in class. Suddenly, I felt not only regret, but also shame Another time, in an open English class in grade two, Mr. Chen asked me to come out of the platform and sell fruit in English. I went to the platform with pride and joy. Not only did I not pronounce English words accurately, but also I didn't know that the teacher was angry. Mr. Chen called another fellow student to perform. The teacher was not angry immediately, but also laughing, The teacher awarded a little red flower to that classmate, but I didn't. at this time, my face turned red and I couldn't help but bow my head in shame. I can't forget the past six years of primary school life. After six years of primary school life, I am already a graduate student today. In two months, I will leave my alma mater, which has been with me for six years, The life of primary school makes me full, happy and unforgettable. The unforgettable time of primary school life is really fast. In a blink of an eye, six years will pass like clouds and smoke. I am about to graduate, In these more than 2000 days, we are like a bead of seedlings, irrigated by teachers. It seems that we still have the sound of reading in the classroom, the sound of playing around us on the playground, and the figure of laughing in the school circle. At each foot, we have left unforgettable memories. Under the education of our alma mater, we have gained a lot. We have gained a lot of friends, We got a lot of new knowledge, so that we become polite students. We got a lot of good memories and unforgettable past events, and more of the compass to deal with people in the future. But now we are about to graduate, suddenly looking back, as if urging our teachers, encouraging our teachers, and lovely campus, will disappear from our songs, I don't know when we have become the big brothers and sisters on campus, and the role models of our younger brothers and sisters. Now we are about to graduate. The teacher's instruction, the sound of our reading and the laughter of our classmates are all around us. During my last few days in school, I have a look at the lovely campus, the teachers who teach us, and the students who encourage us, Cherish the last few days together. There is no endless feast in the world, and time will never come back. We will always remember our teacher's education, and be a man of achievement. Every year is like a song, six years of primary school life, just like yesterday's clouds, really beautiful; just like a cup of bitter gourd juice - bitter sweet My teacher, my classmates, my classroom, my desk, let me unforgettable: primary school six years of life, they accompany me to come. Whether it is six years of ups and downs, or graduation day and students affectionate farewell, out of the school, legs like filled with lead: alma mater, goodbye! Sixth grade tug of war competition, let me appreciate the true meaning of teacher-student relationship, The most sincere love between teachers and students. Everything in the past didn't dilute my memory. I clearly remember that day - December 5, when I just walked into the classroom, I came face to face with a warm breath. On the blackboard, there were four words: unite as one. The faces of the students were like tomatoes - blood boiling. I knew that all these were teachers' fan