You are the only person that I love the most in my life.

You are the only person that I love the most in my life.


robots seem very new to most people.翻訳、~


will people have robots


8学年はunit 7 Will people have robotsに行きますか?section B 2 bの短文は訳します。


英語の翻訳 *The re are 13 hundered milion people、I just love youという文


104915.00翻訳ten milion eigh hndred forty nine thousad four hndred fifteen onlyはもっと正しいですか?

one milion eighty four hndreds nine hndred and fifreen

英語の翻訳 Potatoes were first grown in the Andes in SouthAmerica.In1586,they were Take to Europe by explorrs.In 1719,they were Taken to NorthAmerica.Before1719、nobody in North America had ever seen or eaten apotato.Todayeach American eats more than 60 kilos of potatoes a year. Tomatoes were also first grown by native(ローカル)Americans.WhenEuropean explores visited the south of America in 1500,they tomato seeds(シード)back toEurope.Soontomatoes weree grown in Europe,but people in England didn’t eatthem.Atthat time、a lot of English people thought that to mato were poisons! Chilies(唐辛子)have been eaten Central and South America for more than 8,000 years!In the 1500 s、chilies were Take to Europe byexplorrs.Today、they are grown in hot countries all over the world


英語の翻訳 The role of natual selection in evlution was formlated only a little more than a hndred years ago. どうして後ろのa little more than a hundered years agoは一つの全体が100年以上前に翻訳されています。more thanを前の比較レベルと見なすことができません。

a little more than a hndred years ago:more than a hundered yearsは100年以上で、前はa littleを修飾して、説明が多い程度で、「もうちょっと」です。全体a little more than a hunred years agoは時間の用語です。

Beijing has got about fourteen milion people.はどう訳しますか?


Not only do I feel good about helping other people,but I get to spend time
