This is a bookは複数の文に変更されました。

This is a bookは複数の文に変更されました。

These are book s
these are book s
These are book s
this are book s
These are book s.
these are the book s
these are some book s
these are book s
These are book s
these are book s
these are some book s
these are book s
these are book s
The re are some book s!
these are book s
These are book s.
These are book s。
These are some book s.
These are book s
These are book s
These are book s.
The re are many book s.
The re are some book s
These are book s.
These are book s.
文を複数の形に変えます。This is a boy What is in English Is that an English book
it is an egg
she is a teacher
these are boys
what are these in english
arthose english book s?
they are egs
they are teachers
What are these in English?
Aree those English book s?
They are egs.
They are teachers.
these are boys what are these in english are those english book s
This is a boy.——The se are boys.
What is this in English?――What are these in English?
Is that an English book?――Aree those English book?
It is an egg.——They are egs.
She is a teacher.——They are teachers.
what is this
What are these in English?
Aree those English book s?
They are egs.
They are teachers.
Is this her book
I would like a cup of tea
I would like a cup of tea文型変換
I_____u_u_u u_u u_u u_u u u uaカップof tea
want to have
want to drink
I want to have a cup of tea.お茶を一杯ください。
want to have
1、How is going wish sth 2、study hard 3、take a message 4、tell sb to dosth
5、call sb back 6、vight now 7、talk on the pnone 8、in the weathe 9、have a great time dong sth 10、have fun dong sth 11、learn to dosth 12、visit sb 13、It is daj 14、on a vacation 15、write sb is going with you?2.We must study hard.3.please take a message to your father that he must come to school for his s on's sake.4.The teacher Telss not to spit on the ground.5 please call call...
1.How are you gong with your homework.(with sb.あなたが書いたwish sth)
2.I have to study hard all night to finish my homework.
3.Can I take a message for you?
4.I will tell my Mother to c…展開
1.How are you gong with your homework.(with sb.あなたが書いたwish sth)
2.I have to study hard all night to finish my homework.
3.Can I take a message for you?
4.I will tell my Mother to call you back.
5.I told my Mother to call him back.
6.I am busy、I can not pick up the phone right now.
7.I talked with my friend on the phone last night.
8.We all hope for a change in the weathe.(in the weatheをあまり使わない)
9.I had a great time playing baske with Mike Jordan.
10.I had fun playing computer games.
11.I was learning to cook a cake from a TV program.
12.I visited my uncle yesterday.
14.I was on a vacation from Aril 28 th to May 1 st.
15.Could you write to myonece a week?質問:すみません、あなたのもいいですが、時間が限られています。長く書きすぎました。
Could I have a cup of tea?_
B.No,you couldn't
C.Not、too bad
D.Sure、help yourself
D.これはあなたの日常の人間関係を試験する問題です。a bは確かに英語の意味が深くて、直接的で紳士的ではないからです。
1 to lie in\at be situat ed in\at be close to cover an ara of
5.with a history of be famous for has a population of
1.Here we have one of the texts in which the great truth of the blesed Trinity is seen to lie the very root of our spiritual life.
I wish I have one day to lie in.いつか朝寝坊したいです。
2.Why doesn't comme the Aegen Sea?that piece fills with the brailliant breath the sea to be situted in a Mediterrane Sea's big bay.
the red star industry group to be situat at the Changsh south gate well bend、is a cross province、the city、the cross occupational line、the ject stock system group company.
3.They are legends of Liverpool.One day I would like to be close to
4.Rural settlements shuld be sufficient to cover an ara of the reduction of urban land expansion.
5.Police in Phiiladelphia are charga man with a history of robbling banks with the slandayings of two armord car gards.
6.Its building have to be famous for their beauty or their historic importence.
7.It has a population of over 12 milion.
in my opinionは私から見ればhoweverと思いますが、on the other hand、一方first of allはまずfinally最後に、It is+形容詞+to do sthWhere there is a will、there is a way.有志者事はなんとwhen in Rome、do as Romans do.郷に入る…
be goodt at 
at the front of
no more
up to
表の順番はfirst(ly)second(ly).finally表が引き継いでいるのはthe follwings are.such are the follwindowgs表が進入してくるのはwhat's more、in addition表の転換があるのはon the otherです。hand.onthe contrry表でまとめたのは、in shart、in a…
1.文章の構造順序を表す:First of all、Firstly/First、Secondly/Second…And then,Finally,In the end,At last 2.テーブル並列補足関係:What is more,
be used to dong、used to…、not…at allで文を作ります。
I am used to getting up at 6:30
I used to have a cup of tea in the afternoon.
He doesn't like Eglish at all.
I am used to reading in dim light.暗い照明の下で本を読むことに慣れています。
I used to speak English flently.英語でスムースに話したことがあります。
I do not like this TV show at all.私はこの番組が全然好きではありません。
I am used to living here.
I used to be a teacher.
I do not agree with you at all.
I was used to beinglazy.SoI used to get up verylate.Butnow I don't do that at all because I know it isn't a good habit.
①I am used to getting up at 5 a.m.evermoning.
②He used to be a thief.
③He doesn't steal things at all.