Given the points a (1,1) and B (- 3,2), connecting the Y-axis of AB to the point P, then PA + Pb is the shortest. May I ask: is there a point m on the x-axis, so that Ma + MB is the shortest? If so, find out the coordinates of point m; if not, please explain the reason What are the coordinates of M

Given the points a (1,1) and B (- 3,2), connecting the Y-axis of AB to the point P, then PA + Pb is the shortest. May I ask: is there a point m on the x-axis, so that Ma + MB is the shortest? If so, find out the coordinates of point m; if not, please explain the reason What are the coordinates of M

In the first case, let a be symmetric about X-axis a '(1, - 1), connect a'B, intersect X-axis at M (x, 0), let B (- 3,2), a' (1, - 1), let y = KX + Z, bring in B, a 'and solve y = - 3 / 4-1 / 4, thus m (- 1 / 3,0)
In the second case, point B 'is used, and the solution is the same as above