Zhang's income is 270 yuan. The slope of the indifference curve of store X and Y is dy / DX = - 20 / y. The price of XY is 2 and 5 respectively. How much will Zhang consume X and y?

Zhang's income is 270 yuan. The slope of the indifference curve of store X and Y is dy / DX = - 20 / y. The price of XY is 2 and 5 respectively. How much will Zhang consume X and y?

At the equilibrium point, the indifference curve should be tangent to the budget line, and the slope of the tangent point is equal to the slope of the budget line
Let x, y be the equilibrium quantity of two kinds of goods, the budget line is 2x + 5Y = 270, and the slope of this line is - 0.4
Let dy / DX = - 20 / y = - 0.4, y = 50, x = 10