As shown in the figure, it is known that all edges of the regular triangular prism abc-a1b1c1 are equal in length, and D is the midpoint of a1c1, then the sine value of the angle between the straight line AD and the plane b1dc is______ .

As shown in the figure, it is known that all edges of the regular triangular prism abc-a1b1c1 are equal in length, and D is the midpoint of a1c1, then the sine value of the angle between the straight line AD and the plane b1dc is______ .

As shown in the figure, it is easy to prove b1d ⊥ plane AC1 by connecting b1d, and make Ag ⊥ CD through point a, then Ag ⊥ b1d can be obtained from b1d ⊥ plane AC1, and Ag ⊥ plane b1dc can be obtained from the judgment theorem of perpendicularity of line and plane, then ⊥ ADG is the angle between straight line AD and plane b1dc. If the edge length is known, it is possible to make it 2, then ad = 5 = CD, and Ag = AC × AA & nbsp; can be obtained from the equal area method; 1CD = 455, so the sine value of line AD and plane DCB1 is 45, so the answer is 45