The calculation of the moment of gear rotation When the cylindrical spur gear rotates, the pitch diameter of the driven wheel d = 30cm, the meshing force F of the driving wheel f = 1kn, the pressure angle a = 20 ° and the transmission moment M. F of the meshing force F to the center of the driven wheel M. f has been solved M. f = M. F1 + M. F2, M. F1 passing through the moment center = 0, then M. f = M. F2 = 1 / 2fcosa = 141n. M, when is this 1 / 2fcosa, and how is this 141 obtained

The calculation of the moment of gear rotation When the cylindrical spur gear rotates, the pitch diameter of the driven wheel d = 30cm, the meshing force F of the driving wheel f = 1kn, the pressure angle a = 20 ° and the transmission moment M. F of the meshing force F to the center of the driven wheel M. f has been solved M. f = M. F1 + M. F2, M. F1 passing through the moment center = 0, then M. f = M. F2 = 1 / 2fcosa = 141n. M, when is this 1 / 2fcosa, and how is this 141 obtained

M*F=M*F2 =cosa*R*F =cos20*0.3*1000/2 =141N.m