To solve the equations: 3 / 2y-5 / 2x = 4 / 3 1 / y + 3 / x = 4 Solving equations: 3 / 2y-5 / 2x = 4 / 3 1/Y+3/x=4

To solve the equations: 3 / 2y-5 / 2x = 4 / 3 1 / y + 3 / x = 4 Solving equations: 3 / 2y-5 / 2x = 4 / 3 1/Y+3/x=4

Subtraction of two formulas
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Solve the equations x + y + Z = 6 x + 2y-3z = 4 2x-y + Z = 5

x+y+z=6 ①
X + 2y-3z = 4, ② 2x-y + Z = 5, ③ ① - ②: - y + 4Z = 2, ④ ① * 2 - ③: 3Y + Z = 7, ⑤ ④ * 3 + ⑤: 13z = 13, z = 1 is substituted into ④: y = 4z-2 = 2 is substituted into ①: x = 6-y-z = 3, so the solution is x = 3, y = 2, z = 1

It is known that the system of equations x − 2Y = 1x + 2Y = n and X + y = M2X − 3Y = 5 with respect to X and y have common solutions, then M=______ ,n=______ .

∵ x − 2Y = 1x + 2Y = n and X + y = M2X − 3Y = 5 have a common solution, ∵ x − 2Y = 12x − 3Y = 5, the solution is: x = 7Y = 3, so x + 2Y = 7 + 6 = n, that is, n = 13, x + y = M = 10

The height (unit: cm) of the two honor guards is as follows: team a: 178 & nbsp; & nbsp; 177 & nbsp; 179 & nbsp; & nbsp; 179 & nbsp; 178 & nbsp; & nbsp; 178 & nbsp; 177 & nbsp; & nbsp; 177 & nbsp; & nbsp; 179 & nbsp; 176 & nbsp; & nbsp; 178 & nbsp; 180 & nbsp; 180 & nbsp; & nbsp; 178 & nbsp; 177 & nbsp; & nbsp; 179 & nbsp; 176 & nbsp; & nbsp; 178 & nbsp; 177 & nbsp; 179 & nbsp; 176 & nbsp; & nbsp; 178 & nbsp; 180 & nbsp; 180 & nbsp; 180 & nbsp; 178 & nbsp; 178 & nbsp; 179 & nbsp; 179 & nbsp; 176 & nbsp; & nbsp; 178 which guard of honor is more uniform in height? How do you judge?

(2) X a = 110 (3 × 177 + 4 × 178 + 3 × 179) = 178,. X B = 110 (2 × 176 + 1 × 177 + 4 × 178 + 1 × 179 + 2 × 180) = 178. (3) the guard of honor of a is more orderly. The reasons are as follows: s a 2 = 110 [3 (177-178) 2 + 4 (178-178) 2 + 3 (179-178) 2] = 0.6; s B 2 = 110 [2 (176-178) 2 + (177-178) 2 + 4 (178-178) 2 + (179-178) 2 + 2 (180-178) 2] = 1.8; because a and B have two guard of honor The variances of the height data are 0.6 and 1.8, respectively

How to deduce the work formula of current
That's w = uit

Moving one Coulomb of electricity from OV to 1V does 1 joule of work
The quantity of electricity flowing through in unit time is equal to the current I = q / T

A rope is 3 meters long. It's 13 meters long and there's still room for it___ The length of a rope is 3 meters. It takes 13 meters, and there is still a lot left___ Rice

3-13 = 223 (m) 3 × (1-13) = 3 × 23 = 2 (m) answer: if a rope is 3 meters long, 13 meters will be used, and 223 meters will be left; if a rope is 3 meters long, 13 meters will be used, and 2 meters will be left

In the international system of units, the basic unit of time is______ .

In the international system of units, the basic unit of time is s

Newton's law of motion is shown in the figure. Two objects with mass M1 and M2 are connected by thin wires. Under the action of constant tensile force F = 12n, they make uniform upward
The two blocks with mass of M1 = 2kg and M2 = 4kg are connected with a string in the middle. Under the action of F = 12n pulling force, the two blocks move upward uniformly. What is the pulling force of the string in the middle?

In this paper, two blocks and string are used as a whole to study. According to Niu's binary equation: (is f equal to 120N
F - (M1 + m2) g = (M1 + m2) a substitution value: a = 10m / s2
And then take the object below as the research object: (M1 is below, M2 is below)
According to the binary countable equation: t-m1g = m1a (if M1 is below)
The tension on the available rope is: T =! (calculated by yourself)

What is the resistance of an incandescent bulb marked with 220v100w when it normally emits light? What is the current passing through it when it normally emits light

Resistance under normal illumination: r = u & # 178 / P = 220 & # 178 / 100 = 484 (Ω)
I = P / u = 100 / 220 ≈ 0.45 (a)
A: slightly

A hollow metal ball, weighing 2.5n, with a volume of 300CM3, is put into water. When it is still, it is in the state of______ (fill in "floating" or "floating"). What is the buoyancy at this time______ N.

When the metal ball is completely submerged, the buoyancy: F floating = ρ water GV row = 1.0 × 103kg / m3 × 10N / kg × 300 × 10-6m3 = 3N; F floating > G, so the object floats up in the water and finally floats on the water surface, f floating ′ = g = 2.5n