The solution of inequality 1 / x > a about X (a belongs to R) Please write down the process, classification discussion, I fainted

The solution of inequality 1 / x > a about X (a belongs to R) Please write down the process, classification discussion, I fainted

1. If a > 0, obviously x > 0, then 0 < x < 1 / a can be obtained by shifting the term
2. If a = 0, then x > 0
3. If a is less than 0, then x is more than 0,
When x < 0, both sides of the inequality multiply by X / A, and the direction of the inequality sign remains unchanged
The discussion is over

A ∈ R, solve the inequality about X: AX2 - (a + 1) x + 1

1) When a = 0, the solution of the inequality is x0
2) When a > 1, because 2 / A2 or X

Solving inequality AX2 + (a + 1) x + 1 > 0

Discussion according to the situation:

How to read the verb plus ing in English

The pronunciation after a word is "ing", just like the pronunciation of Chinese pinyin

A problem of analytic geometry in Senior High School
If the distance ratio of a moving point m to a fixed line L: x = 16 / 5 and a fixed point a (5,0) is 4:5
1. Find the equation of the locus of the moving point M;
2. Let there be p remainder on the trajectory C, and the connecting lines of two fixed points a and B (- 5,0) are perpendicular to each other, so as to find the value of | PA | * | Pb |

1. Set point m (x1, Y1)
|x1-16/5| 4
√y²+(x-5² 5
It is reduced to: 9x1 & sup2; - 16y1 & sup2; = 16 * 9
That is X & sup2 / 16-y & sup2 / 9 = 1 (x > 16 / 5)
2. We can see that a and B are the two focuses
Let PA be x and Pb be y
In RT △ PAB, Y-X = 2A = 8
Pythagorean theorem: X & sup2; + Y & sup2; = 100
That is, | PA | * | Pb | = 18

2 to percent! Tomorrow!
A factory building cost 115000 yuan, which is 8000 yuan less than the plan. What percentage of the original plan is the actual cost? (keep the whole number before the percent sign)

11.5/(11.5+0.8) x100%=93%

Solving equation log2 (x ^ 2-3) = log2 (6x-10) - 1

Log2 (x ^ 2-3) = log2 (6x-10) - 1, i.e. log2 (x ^ 2-3) = log2 (6x-10) / 2x & # 178; - 3 = (6x-10) / 2 ① X & # 178; - 3 > 0 ② 6x-10 > 0 ③ from ①, 2x & # 178; - 6 = 6x-102x & # 178; - 6x + 4 = 0x & # 178; - 3x + 2 = 0 (x-1) (X-2) = 0x = 1 or x = 2

The elliptic equation is the standard formula x ^ 2 / A ^ 2 + y ^ 2 / b ^ 2 = 1. How can its perimeter be calculated?

The area is π AB, and the perimeter is the so-called elliptic integral problem. There is no ordinary analytical expression. It can only be expressed by series. In the past, it was changed into a standard formula and solved by looking up the table. Now it is very convenient to carry out numerical calculation by computer

Conjunctions into sentences

Did you have any difficulties in your English?

It is known that the square + 2 of N + 1 - (m-2) x of polynomial 3x is a cubic binomial, and the value of the nth power-4 of M is obtained

Coefficient of quadratic term m-2 = 0
So m + n = 2 + 2 = 4