In MATLAB, t = (0: pi / 50:2 * PI) 'k = 0.4:0.1:1 y = cos (T) * k plot (T, y) where, why should t take column vector and row vector What about K? Why isn't k a column vector?

In MATLAB, t = (0: pi / 50:2 * PI) 'k = 0.4:0.1:1 y = cos (T) * k plot (T, y) where, why should t take column vector and row vector What about K? Why isn't k a column vector?

No, this is the rule of matrix operation. In the end, the calculated y should be a sequence, so that it can be mapped to each T. If as you said, according to the above procedure, the value of Y is a number. If t is taken as row vector, then K should be taken as column vector, and then the formula should be written as y = k * cos (T)

Matlab calculation of log function
S is a source entropy. For example, the probability is 0.8
How to write with the program is the logarithm of 0.8 with 2 as the base
-log 2 0.8
Just contact MATLAB. Ha ha. Know next

After operation
c =
In fact, it is this relationship: log a B = in (b) / in (a)

Ans = - 2 ^ (1 / 2) - lambertw (0, - log (2) / 2 ^ (2 ^ (1 / 2))) / log (2). How can I use matlab to solve the equation and turn the result into a decimal?
The original equation is 2 ^ x-x-sqrt (2) = 0

x = - 2^(1/2) - lambertw(0,-log(2)/2^(2^(1/2)))/log(2)
x = - 0.8653

How can 0.125:5 / 8 be converted into the simplest integer ratio


Solve equation 6.4-x = 3.38
The first question: 6.4-x = 3.38
Second question: 3.22 △ x = 1.4
Third question: 85 + x = 220

The first question: 6.4-x = 3.38
Second question: 3.22 △ x = 1.4
Third question: 85 + x = 220

A cube, the perimeter of its bottom is 8 decimeters, and its surface area is______ And the volume is______ .

The edge length of cube is: 8 △ 4 = 2 (decimeter), the surface area is: 2 × 2 × 6 = 24 (decimeter squared); the volume is: 2 × 2 × 2 = 8 (decimeter cubed). Answer: the surface area is 24 decimeter squared, and the volume is 8 decimeter cubed. So the answer is: 24 decimeter squared, 8 decimeter cubed

Given Tana = 2, find the value of 3sina cosa / 4cosa + 5sina

Divide cosa to get 3tana-1 / 4 + 5tana
Bring Tana = 2 into
It's 5 / 14

X + 30% x = 5 / 9


If the equation MX2 - (m-1) x + 1 = 0 has Reagan, then the root of the equation is

(1) When m = - 3 / 2, X1 = 2, X2 = - 1 / 3. (2) when m = 0, x = - 1. (3) when m = 6, X1 = 1 / 2, X2 = 1 / 3. (4) when m = 15 / 2, X1 = 3 / 2, X2 = 5

In the plane rectangular coordinate system, the distance from the top vertex of ellipse C x2 / A2 + Y2 / B2 = 1 to the focus is 2, and the root of eccentricity is 3 / 2
Find the equation of ellipse C, online and so on!

The distance from the top vertex of the ellipse to the focus is a, so a = 2,
And the centrifugal ratio e = C / a = √ 3 / 2,
So the solution is C = √ 3,
So a ^ 2 = 4, B ^ 2 = a ^ 2 - C ^ 2 = 4-3 = 1,
Therefore, the elliptic standard equation is x ^ 2 / 4 + y ^ 2 = 1