If the three sides of a right triangle are 2, 3 and X, then the area of a square with the hypotenuse as the side length is______ .

If the three sides of a right triangle are 2, 3 and X, then the area of a square with the hypotenuse as the side length is______ .

If 3 is the hypotenuse of a right triangle, then the area of the square with the hypotenuse as the side length is 32 = 9; if x is the hypotenuse of a right triangle, according to the Pythagorean theorem, we get: x2 = 22 + 32 = 4 + 9 = 13, then the area of the square with the hypotenuse as the side length is x2 = 13. To sum up, the area of the square with the hypotenuse as the side length is 9 or 13

—Which would you like,tea or coffee ?
—Either ____ OK,but I prefer coffee ____ milk.
I chose C wrong. Please tell me why

Use singular after either
What do you like better

M is the midpoint of the line AB, C is on the line AB, and AC = 4cm, n is the midpoint of AC, Mn = 3cm

∵ n is the midpoint of AC,
And ∵ Mn = 3,
∴CM=MN-CN=1 cm,
∴AM=AC+CM=5 ,
And ∵ m is the midpoint of ab,
∴AB=2AM=10 cm.
If you have any questions, please ask; if you are satisfied, please accept, thank you!

English phrases are very tense to me

Nervous about:
be nervous about
Be ashamed of:
be shy of

After adding a number to the numerator and denominator of 3 / 71, it can be reduced to 1 / 5. What is the number?

So the number is 14

Is some followed by a countable noun or an uncountable noun?

I have some books; would you like some coffee? I don't have any books; is there any coffee in your cup? Some and any



The usage of English Interlanguage in and on
Should I use in or on on the map,
For example: can you find new york_____ this map of America
A.in B.at C.of D.on
What is the answer to this question,

A man in this book, for example, means that the content of the map contains New York, so choose in

It is known that D and E are two points in the triangle ABC
It's easy to score

It is proved that extending BD to AC is in G, extending De to AC is in H
Then: ab + AC = AB + Ag + GC > BG + GC = BD + DG + GH + HC > BD + DH + HC = BD + de + eh + HC > BD + de + EC

What do some Germans say in English

a few Germans
some Germans