General term formula of known sequence 3,2,6,4,9,8,12,16 halo

General term formula of known sequence 3,2,6,4,9,8,12,16 halo

I know the answer can be:
The (n / 2) power of 3N (n? Odd) 2 (n? Even)

Using formula method to solve the equation about X: x2-2ax-b2 + A2 = 0

Method 1: ∵ a = 1, B = - 2A, C = - B2 + A2 | b2-4ac = 4a2 + 4b2-4a2 = 4B2 ∵ x = 2A ± 4a2 + 4B2 − 4a22 = a ±| B | = a + B or a-b. method 2: ∵ - B2 + A2 = (a + b) (a-b), - 2A = - (a + b) + [- (a-b)], the original equation can be reduced to: [x - (a + b)] [x - (a-b)] = 0, ∵ x-a-b = 0, ∵ X1 = a + B, X2 = a-b

What can glacial acetic acid react with acetic anhydride
What's the ratio, what's the content. What kind of instrument do you need

I remember that a document said that it was phosphorus pentoxide, and the ratio was calculated by chemical equivalent and multiplied by 2.5. As for the content, it was not recorded in the literature, but only introduced the process. But if high content was needed, I think it could be purified by distillation because of different boiling points

What is Hooke's law? Please list its formula and the meaning of its physical quantities

Hooke's law in the limit of elasticity, the elasticity of a spring is directly proportional to the deformation (elongation or compression value) of the spring

Mathematical logarithm calculation


If a place just passes 20 degrees west longitude or 160 degrees east longitude, should it be regarded as the eastern hemisphere or the western hemisphere?
Is the wilobe on the second floor the eastern hemisphere or the western hemisphere? I still don't know

There are many vague concepts in geography, such as the boundary of half seeking, the boundary of time zone, the boundary of climate, and so on. There is no answer to which one these belong to, because in fact, no place is just on the boundary, because everywhere has size, and the width of longitude is 0

Given the general term formula of sequence {an} an = 6N + 5, n is odd 4 ^ n, n is even, then the sum of the first n terms of {an} is

If n = 2K, then Sn = a1 + a3 + +a(2k-1) + a2+a4+…… +a(2k)=6(1+3+…… +2k-1) + 5K + 16 ^ [(1-4 ^ k) / (1-4)] = 6K & # 178; + 5K + [4 ^ (K + 2) - 16] / 3 if n = 2K + 1, then Sn = a1 + a3 + +a(2k+1) + a2+a4+…… +a(2k)=6(1+3+…… +2k+1)+5(...

X1 and X2 are the two roots of the equation (lgx) * (lgx) + (Lg3 + LG2) * lgx + Lg3 * LG2 = 0, so what is X1 * x2 equal to

Then (lgx + Lg3) (lgx + LG2) = 0
Then lgx = - Lg3 or lgx = - LG2
Then x = 1 / 3 or x = 1 / 2
Then X1 * x2 = 1 / 3 * 1 / 2 = 1 / 6

60 seconds is equal to a minute, 60 minutes is equal to an hour, who is the regulation?

The Babylonians!
There's no basis. It's just because they're in 60


There are 102 addends, each of which is divided into 51 groups. If the sum of the two numbers in each group is 1, the final result of this formula is 51