If the polynomial 2x2-3x + k-kx2 + 4kx-4 is a quadratic binomial without constant term, then the quadratic binomial is______ .

If the polynomial 2x2-3x + k-kx2 + 4kx-4 is a quadratic binomial without constant term, then the quadratic binomial is______ .

The second binomial is - 2x2 + 13X, so the answer is - 2x2 + 13X

How to calculate the area of demolished land larger than the building area
Urban demolition of state-owned land certificate area of 170 square meters, housing construction area of 80 square meters, how accounting?

House demolition only compensates the house area on the house property certificate, and no longer compensates the land area separately, unless the land area on your land certificate is larger than the house area
Housing compensation is calculated by building area

Using decomposition factor calculation: 2 ^ 200 + 3 * 2 ^ 199-2 ^ 201 =?


We can see the size of the two numbers in each absolute value, so we remove the absolute value sign first when calculating, because the result of the absolute value is positive
So after removing the absolute value sign, if the large number is in the front and the decimal number is in the back, the addition and subtraction relationship will remain unchanged, and then we can get | 1 / 2-1 | + | 1 / 3-1 / 2 | + | 1 / 4-1 / 3 | + | + | 1 / 2011-1 / 2010 | + 12012-1 / 2011 + 1 / 2013-1 / 2012 |. Excuse me, after removing the absolute value sign, why the large number is in the front and the decimal number is in the back, the addition and subtraction relationship will remain unchanged?

A simple method is used to calculate. 4.56 × 0.27 + 4.56 × 0.63 + 0.456


8 * - (two fifths) - (- 4) * - (two ninths) + (- 8) * three fifths

8 * (- two fifths) - (- 4) * (- two ninths) + (- 8) * three fifths
=-8 and 8 / 9

There is another question: if the equation 1 / A + 1 = A-1 / A ^ 2-1 holds?

The equation 1 / A + 1 = A-1 / A ^ 2-1 holds if a ≠ 1

(2 / 39 + 5 / 27) * 27 * 39, simple calculation?
I think "2 / 39 * 39 + 5 / 27 * 27" doesn't seem to be in line with the distribution rate of multiplication!


LIM (1 / (x ^ 2-x) + 2 / (x ^ 2-x)) x tends to 0

The two denominators are the same? Are you right?
That's a good assumption
Then the original formula = 3 / (X & sup2; - x)
The denominator tends to zero, so the original formula tends to infinity
So there is no limit

If the solutions of equation 13X = 1 and 2x + a = ax are the same, then a=______ .

13X = 1 & nbsp; 13X / 13 = 1 / 13 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 3; substitute x = 3 into 2x + a = ax, get: 2 × 3 + a = 3A & nbsp; 6 + A-A = 3a-a & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; a = 3; so the answer is