Cut off a corner of a square, the remaining figure may be a quadrilateral, right or wrong?

Cut off a corner of a square, the remaining figure may be a quadrilateral, right or wrong?

If you cut off a corner and consider the diagonal as the dividing line, it may be a triangle or a Pentagon, but if you cut through a vertex of a square, you may get a quadrilateral

In a 15 decimeter long, 12 decimeter wide and 14 decimeter high cuboid water tank, there is 10 decimeter deep water. If a 30 cm long cube iron block is sunk in the water, the water does not overflow. Then how many decimeters is the water depth in the water tank?

30cm = 3DM, height of rising water: (3 × 3 × 3) △ 15 × 12) = 27 △ 180 = 0.15 (DM) 0.15dm + 10dm = 10.15 (DM). A: then the water depth in the water tank is 10.15m

What is the simple operation of 2.22 × 334 + 22.2 × 66.6

You can do that
You can also make the left 2.22 × 334 = 22.2 * 33.4

0.18 square decimeter = () square centimeter

1 decimeter = 10 cm
1 square decimeter = 100 square centimeter
So 0.18 square decimeter = (18) square centimeter

Storybooks are 5% more than science and technology books. What percentage of science and technology books are storybooks?
Story books are one fifth more than science and technology books, and science and technology books are less than story books?

In terms of percentage, I think it's 120%, 20% more than 100%, which is exactly one fifth

Xiao Ming went to the bookstore to buy a set of popular science books (upper and lower volumes). When he paid, he left out the zero in the unit price of the second volume and was ready to pay 27 yuan. At this time, the aunt of the salesperson said, "it's only right to pay 54 yuan." excuse me, how much is the second volume of this set of popular science books?

What is length? What are the units of measurement? Specify the size of the unit of length (for example)

== this question
Length unit refers to the basic unit for measuring space distance. It is the basic unit formulated by human beings for regulating length. Its international unit is "meter" (symbol "m")
We usually use meter, centimeter, millimeter (scale unit on ruler)
And the kilometer, which is often said, is 1000 meters
Then there are astronomical light years, which are also length units
In addition, nano is also ~ 1nm = 10 ^ - 9m

Primary school grade 6 Volume 2 Lesson 18 "beauty across a century" main content

This paper describes the scene of Madame Curie giving an academic report at the French Academy of Sciences. It highlights Madame Curie's beautiful image and great achievements in front of readers. Then it describes Madame Curie's attitude and practice in front of fame and wealth. Finally, it affirms Madame Curie's personality because of Einstein's words

What is the greatest common factor of 16 and 18___ The least common multiple is___ .

16 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 218 = 2 × 3 × 3, so the greatest common factor of 16 and 18 is 2, and the least common multiple is 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 = 144

How to solve 2x-6 / x + 6-2x 5 = 1

Double 2x-6
The fractional equation needs to be tested
By testing, x = 1 is the solution of the equation