Xiao Ming's father is very similar to Xiao Ming

Xiao Ming's father is very similar to Xiao Ming

Xiao Ming is very similar to his father

Words to describe indifference
I'd like to know more written words to describe indifference and depression

Stand by, indifferent, cold-blooded, cold-blooded, cold-blooded, indifferent, cold-blooded, cold-blooded, cold-blooded, cold-blooded, cold-blooded, iron faced, numb, numb, numb, silent, cold-blooded, cold-blooded,
Cold and arrogant, cold and stern, cold and fierce, cold and indifferent

During the holiday, Xiao Ming went to his hometown to see his grandmother. It took him 10 minutes to walk from his home to the bus station, and it took him 2.5 hours to walk on the road. After he got off the bus, he had to walk for 20 minutes to get to his grandmother's home. Grandma asked him to arrive at 11 am. So when should he start at home at the latest?

10 + 20 = 30 (minutes)
30 minutes = 0.5 hours
0.5 hours + 2.5 hours = 3 hours
11-3 = 8 (hours)
It's very simple
Think about everything you do

3 / x + 6 / x = 13 to solve the equation

3 x + 6 x = 13
Multiply it by six at the same time

Simple calculation of 0.36 times 5.3 + 3.6 times 0.47

0.36 times 5.3 + 3.6 times 0.47
=3.6 times 0.53 + 3.6 times 0.47

As shown in the figure, take the right angle side AC of RT triangle as the diameter to make the circle O, the oblique side AGB is at the point D, and E is the midpoint of the other right angle side. Prove that De is the tangent of circle o

Connecting OD, CD ∵ AC is the diameter circle, O ∵ ADC = 90 & ordm; ∵ CDB = 180 - ∵ ADC = 90 & ordm; ∵ e is the midpoint of BC ∵ de = CE ∵ CDE = ∵ DCE ∵ ACB = 90 ∵ OCD + ∵ DCE = 90 ∵ OCD = ∵ ODC + ∵ CDE = ∵ DCE + ∵ OCD = 90, i.e. ∵ ode = 90, that is, OD ⊥ de and ∵ D on the circle O ∵ De

In order to solve the problem of people's medical treatment, the Chinese government decided to reduce the price of drugs. After a 30% increase in price in 1999, the price of a certain drug was reduced by 70% to a yuan in 2001. This is the case
The price of these drugs before the price increase in 1999 was - yuan
A(1+30%)(1-70%)a B(1-30%)(1+70%)a
C (1-30%) (1 + 70%) a D (1 + 30%) (1-70%) a

The answer is d
Let the price before the price increase be X
X = (1 + 30%) (1-70%) a

If the coefficient is 2 and the degree is 3, then a = B=

If the binomial of - ax quadratic y B-1 power and the coefficient is 2 and the number of times is 3, then a = b = coefficient = - a = 2, number of times = 2 + B-1 = 3, a = - 2, B = 2, benefactor, I see that you are a unique talent in the Wulin. If you concentrate on your study, you will become a great weapon in the future

4-5 inequality as an elective course of high school mathematics
First question, known / x-a/


The price of a commodity is raised by 110 and then reduced by 111
A. Equal to the original price B. higher than the original price C. lower than the original price

The solution (1 + 110) × (1-111) = 1110 × 1011 = 1, so a