A brief silence on the battlefield There are also "China Youth Daily" and "childhood" which I love to read A brief silence on the battlefield

A brief silence on the battlefield There are also "China Youth Daily" and "childhood" which I love to read A brief silence on the battlefield

A brief silence on the battlefield
There was a brief silence on the battlefield
I like reading both China Youth Daily and childhood
I love reading both China Youth Daily and childhood

The school playground is lively and quiet

The school playground is lively and quiet
The contradiction between "lively" and "quiet" can be amended as follows:
Some of the playground of this school are very busy, and some are very quiet
May I help you!

For a rectangle, the length is 2 times less than 4 times the width, and the circumference of the rectangle is 36cm. Find the length and width of the rectangle

Let the rectangle be x cm in length and (4x-2) cm in width,
The width is 4x-2 = 4 × 4-2 = 14
So the rectangle is 4cm long and 14cm wide

As shown in the figure, in the plane coordinate system, a (a, 0), B (0, b), and a, B satisfy (A-4) 2 + B + 4 = 0, points c, B are symmetric about X axis. (1) find the coordinates of a and C; (2) point m is a moving point on the right side of point a on ray OA, passing through point m, make Mn ⊥ cm intersection line AB on N, connect BM, whether there is point m, so that s △ amn = 32S △ AMB? If it exists, find the coordinate of m point; if it does not exist, explain the reason

(1) ∵ a, B satisfy (A-4) 2 + B + 4 = 0, ∵ A-4 = 0, B + 4 = 0, the solution is: a = 4, B = - 4, ∵ a (4,0), B (0, - 4), ∵ C, B about X-axis symmetry, ∵ C (0,4); (2) connect AC, ∵ point C, B about X-axis symmetry, ∵ om vertical bisection BC, ∵ AB = AC, MB = MC, ∵ ACB = ABC

How many tons of gravel per cubic meter

The bulk density of crushed stone is generally 1.55 ~ 1.65, so a cubic stone is about 1.55 ~ 1.65 tons, that is about 1600 kg

The degree of the sum of two cubic polynomials is ()
A. Six times B. three times C. not less than three times D. not more than three times

The sum of two cubic polynomials may be cubic, quadratic, linear and constant, so ABC can be excluded, so D

The problem of curve integral of high number to arc length
Find the following curve integral
∫ [l] X & # 178; YZDS, where l is the broken line ABCD, where a.b.c.d is the point (0,0,0), (0,0,2), (1,0,2), (1,3,2) successively
Kneel down for detailed solution. Thank you very much~

And ∫ [AB] X & # 178; YZDS (on AB: x = 0, y = 0, z = t, 0

How much is the theoretical weight per meter of steel wire rope 6 * 19 + FC converted from 15.5 steel wire rope length and weight

8457 kg / M

How can a + B | 178; = a ﹤ 178; + B ᦇ 178; + 2Ab break the module?

Because the product of a and a is expressed as the square of a = a cos00 = a square
So, the square of the sum of a + B vectors is the square of the module

It is known that the distance from the point of abscissa 4 on the parabola y & sup2; = 2px (P > 0) to its focus f is 5
To solve the equation of parabola
2A B is a point on the parabola. If the perpendicular center of triangle OAB is f, the equation of circumcircle of triangle OAB is obtained
Three points c is the moving point on the parabola. If the chord length of the circle with C as the center cut by the Y axis is 4, it is proved that the circle C passes through the fixed point

Let a (T & # 178;. 2t) B (T & # 178;, - 2t), t > 0, ob ⊥ AF ℅ [2T / (T & # 178; - 1)] × [2T / T & # 178;] = - 1 ⊥ t = {5} a (5,2} 5) B (5, - 2} 5) be set