A cuboid container, measured from the inside, has a bottom area of 200 square centimeters and a height of 30 centimeters. Pour 1 liter of water into the container to measure the depth of water______ Cm

A cuboid container, measured from the inside, has a bottom area of 200 square centimeters and a height of 30 centimeters. Pour 1 liter of water into the container to measure the depth of water______ Cm

1 liter = 1 cubic decimeter = 1000 cubic centimeter, 1000 △ 200 = 5 (CM), answer: the water depth in the container is 5 cm

Five pieces of iron of equal volume were put into a water container 60 cm long, 20 cm wide and 10 cm deep, which just rose by 4 cm. What is the volume of each piece of iron
It's cubic centimeter, quick

960 CC

Can solar energy be converted into wind energy?

In nature, solar energy can make the air temperature change, resulting in pressure changes, and then converted into air flow to form wind energy
At present, people can only use photovoltaic cells to directly convert solar energy into electricity, and then use electricity to convert into other forms of energy

Use factorization to find: 1 & # 178; - 2 & # 178; + 3 & # 178; - 4 & # 178; + 5 & # 178; - 6 & # 178; +. + 2013 & # 178; - 2014 & # 178;

=(1+2)(1-2)+(3+4)(3-4)+…… +(2013+2014)(2013-2014)=(1+2)×(-1)+(3+4)×(-1)+…… +(2013 + 2014) × (- 1) the second is - 1, so = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +...) +2014)×(-1)=(1+2014)×2014/2×(-1)=-2029105

How many calories is equal to one kilogram?

Kilogram, or kilogram, is the basic unit of mass measurement in the international system of units. Kilogram is also one of the most commonly used basic units in daily life
The two cannot be converted
So (how many calories are consumed equal to one kilogram or one kilogram lost?) is this a valid question
You need 2500 calories a day (without exercise), and you need 7500 calories to consume 1kg of fat. That is to say, you can lose 1kg of fat in three days without exercise without eating any food containing calories. 4 two rice is 220 calories, a braised lion head is 360 calories, a cup of coke is 130 calories, and a fried vegetable is 160 calories, You can figure out how much time you will need to lose the weight you want

Given the set a = {x | X & # 178; + x = 6} and B = {y | ay + 1 = 0, y belongs to R}, satisfy that B is really contained in a, find all the values that a can take

B is really contained in a
When B = &;, a = 0
When B ≠ &,
B = {- 2} or {- 3}
∵ y = - 1 / a = - 2 or - 3
1 / a = 2 or 3
So a = 1 / 2,1 / 3 or 0

In some construction sites or courtyards, the electric lights are bright all night and are easy to be damaged. The life of the lights can be greatly extended by connecting a button to the light and then connecting it to the home circuit; When an electric lamp with the word "100W" is connected with a resistor, the power consumed by the electric lamp is 64% of the rated power (the resistance of the lamp remains unchanged). Find out: (1) the current through the lamp; (2) the resistance value of the connected resistor; (3) the power consumed by the resistor

(1) ∵ P = u2r, ∵ resistance RL = u, 2p = (220 V) 2100, w = 484 Ω, after series resistance, the actual power of bulb is p = P × 64% = 100 W × 64% = 64 W, ∵ P = I2R, ∵ current I = P, RL = 64 W, 484 Ω = 211A ≈ 0.18 a; (2) ∵ I = ur, ∵ voltage UL = IRL = 211A × 484 Ω = 88 V, voltage ur = u-ul = 220 v-88 v = 132 V, so the resistance of series resistance is r =Uri = 132v211a = 726 Ω, (3) ∵ P = UI, the power consumed by the resistor P = URI = 132v × 211A = 24W. Answer: (1) the current through the lamp is about 0.18a; (2) the resistance value of the connected resistor is 726 Ω; (3) the power consumed by the resistor is 24W

When an object starts to move in a straight line with uniform acceleration from a standstill, and the velocity at the end of the first second reaches 4m / s, what is the displacement of the object in the second second second?

From & nbsp; a = △ V △ T, we can get & nbsp; a = 4-01 = 4m / S2 & nbsp; from & nbsp; X = v0t + 12at2, we can get & nbsp; the displacement in the first second is X1 = 12 × 4 × 12 = 2m, the displacement in the first two seconds is & nbsp; x2 = 12 × 4 × 22 = 8m, so the displacement in the second second second is △ x = 8m-2m = 6m & nbsp; & nbsp; answer: the object

The most basic symbol of junior high school physics (urgent)
The most basic symbols... Such as what G is, what m is and so on

Unit symbol length L: meter, decimeter, centimeter, millimeter M / DM / mm mass m: T / kg / g time t: H / min / s density p; kg / m3 '` speed V:

As shown in the figure, one end of the light spring on the horizontal table top is fixed, and the other end is connected with the small block. When the spring is at the natural length, the block is located at point O (not shown in the figure). The mass of the block is m, and the dynamic friction coefficient between the block and the table top is μ. Now, the horizontal right force is used to slowly pull the block from point O to point a, and the work done by the pulling force is w. after removing the pulling force, the block moves from rest to the left and passes through point o When we reach point B, the velocity decreases to zero, ab = a, and the acceleration of gravity is g
A. When the block is at point a, the elastic potential energy of the spring is equal to w − 12 μ mgab. When the block is at point B, the elastic potential energy of the spring is less than w − 32 μ MGAC. When the kinetic energy of the block is maximum, the elastic potential energy of the spring is zero D. when passing through point O, the kinetic energy of the block is less than w - μ mga

A. If there is no friction, then point O should be in the middle of ab. because of friction, the mechanical energy of the object is lost in the process from a to B, so it can not reach point B without friction, that is, point O is close to point B. So OA > A2, the work done by the object to overcome friction is more than 12 μ mga