People's education press seventh grade English volume 1 review outline. Who knows. Key. Fast Who knows It's important People's education press Tell me about some of them Quick return, quick return

People's education press seventh grade English volume 1 review outline. Who knows. Key. Fast Who knows It's important People's education press Tell me about some of them Quick return, quick return

Ha ha, hope to help you, wish you progress
1. The usage of verb be (is, am, are)
I (I) use am, you (you) use are, is, follow him (he), she (she), it (it). Singular nouns use is, plural nouns all use are
2. This, that and it usage
(1) This and that are demonstrative pronouns and it is personal pronouns
(2) Use this for those who are close to the speaker and use that for those who are far away from the speaker
This is a flower
That is a tree
(3) Two things put together, first say this, then say that
This is a pen. That is a pencil
(4) When introducing someone to others, say this is Let's not say that is For example:
This is Helen. Helen, this is Tom
(5) This is cannot be abbreviated, but that is can be abbreviated
This is a bike. That's a car
(6) When calling, introduce yourself to use this and ask the other person to use that
Hello! Is that Miss Green?
Yes, this is. Who's that?
Note: although "I" and "you" are used in Chinese, you can never say "I am , Are you… ?/Who are you?
(7) When answering this or that question, use it instead of this or that
① Is this a notebook?
Yes, it is
② What's that?
It's a kite
3. The usage of these and those
This, that, these and those are demonstrative pronouns. These are plural forms of this, referring to time, people or things near or mentioned below; those are plural forms of that, referring to time, people or things far away or mentioned above
① This is my bed. That is Lily's bed
② These pictures are good
③ Are those apple trees?
When answering questions whose subject is these or those, we usually use them instead of them to avoid repetition
④ Are these / those your apples?
Yes, they are
4. Noun + possessive
The singular noun is directly followed by "'s":
Jim's coat Jeff's mother
Plural nouns ending with "s" with "'"
Teachers' day the twins' books
Irregular plural nouns that do not end with "s" plus "'s"
Children's day men's shoes
When it means that they have something in common, just add's' after the last noun
Lucy and Lily's mother
When it means they own each other, add's' after each noun
Lucy's and Kate's rooms
5. There be
(1) There be sentence pattern is mainly used to express "somewhere (at a certain time) there is someone (at a certain time)". Its basic structure is "there be + something (at a certain time) + somewhere (at a certain time)", where there is a leading word without meaning; the subject is the noun after be, and be is the predicate verb. In the general present tense, be is only in the form of is and are
There be at the beginning of the sentence, the subject at the end of the sentence
There is a book on the desk.
Sometimes prepositional phrases can be put at the beginning of a sentence to emphasize place
On the desk there is a book.
(2) How to determine the verb be in the sentence pattern "there be"
"There be" is really special, leaving no am but two, that is, is and are. To use is or are, it depends on whether the nouns after it are singular or plural
①There is a tree behind the house.
② There is some water in the bottle
③There are some pears in the box.
(3) Note: if the subject after "be" is two or more nouns connected by and, then the form of "be" should follow the principle of "distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors". In other words, the form of "be" is determined by the nearest noun. If the noun is singular or uncountable, use is, and if it is plural, use are
①There is a book and some pens on the floor.
②There are some pens and a book on the floor.
6. Usage of the word like
Like is used as a transitive verb and translated as "like"
(1) After a noun or pronoun, it means to like someone or something
I like the baby very much
(2) After the gerund (v. - ing), it means "like to do something", focusing on habits and hobbies
Tom likes playing football
(3) I like to do something occasionally. I like to do something occasionally
I like reading, but I like to watch TV this evening
7. Change the singular into the plural. Pay attention to the following five elements
(1) The subjective personal pronouns should be changed into plural ones, i.e. I → we, you → you, she, he, it → they
She is a girl. → they are girls
(2) Am, is to be
I’m a student. →We are students.
(3) The indefinite articles a and an should be removed
He is a boy. →They are boys.
(4) Common singular nouns should be changed into plural ones
It is an apple. →They are apples.
(5) The demonstrative pronoun this, that should be changed into these, those
This is a box. →These are boxes.
8. The expression of English date
In English, month and week names are proper nouns. They must be capitalized and preceded by no article
In English, the order of date is month + day + year. The days and years should be separated by commas. For example, August 2nd, 2003. It can also be expressed by day + month + year. For example, 10th May, 2003, the preposition before the date: if it refers to the year or month, use the preposition in; if it refers to a specific day, use the preposition on
9. Expression of time
(1) Direct reading, that is, direct reading of time figures
7: 05 seven five 8:16 eight sixteen
(2) Over, difference, that is, a few points less than a few points, a few points more than a few points. (30 points as the dividing line)
1:25 twenty-five past one 2:30 half past two
3:43 seventeen to four 4:38 twenty-two to five
(3) 12 hour system
6: 00 a.m. 6:8:20 a.m. 8:20 p.m
(4) 24-hour system
13: 13:00 22:15 22:15
(5) 15 points for quarter
4:15 a quarter past four 5:45 a quarter to six
(6) Time before the common use at
at 5 o’clock at 7:30 p.m.
10. Want usage
(1) Want to do sth
They want to join the sports club
(2) Third person singular as subject, want to change
①He wants to play basketball.
②Li Xia wants to play the piano.
(3) The auxiliary verb do or does should be used to change interrogative sentences and negative sentences
①-Do you want to play soccer ball ? -Yes , I do . / No , I don’t.
②-Does he want to go home by bus ? -Yes , he does . / No , he doesn’t

All work and no play makes Jack a dull day. A good beginning is half done

Combining work with rest
A good beginning is half done

Grade seven English volume 1
Please help out a test paper. The requirements are as follows:
1. Three phonetic problems (phonetic problems)
2. 15 multiple choice questions
3. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given
4. It's a sentence pattern conversion
5. Fill in the blanks according to the text
6. Composition
Please put the answers below

2(x+y)-3(x-y)=1 6(x+y)+(x-y)=51


How many cubic squares of 1 mm = cubic squares of 1 mm

It's a cube, right
1 m3 = 1000000000 cubic mm
Please click "select as satisfactory answer"

Why is the product of two inner terms equal to the product of two outer terms in proportion

That is, a / b = C / d
Multiply both sides by BD at the same time

Seven math problems
It is known that there are five integer solutions to the inequality system {x-a ≥ 0 and 3-2x > - 1} about X. how to find the value range of a?
What's the formula

There are five integer solutions

In a sample, there are 60 groups with data range of 23 and distance of 4. If the frequency of a group is 12, what is the number of groups in the group?

General: range △ group distance = group number, group number generally takes integer, so 23 △ 4 = 23 / 4, this question takes 6
The number of groups is used when drawing histogram or bar chart. The number of groups also divides the sample data into several groups. This question is divided into six groups. But the question is the number of groups in this group, which I have never heard of
And 60 data and a group frequency of 4 are not used

Definition operation: for any two rational numbers A.B, if a * b = AB + A + B, then the value of (- 3) * 4 is


There are 75 apple trees in the orchard, just three fourths of pear trees and four fifths of peach trees. How many peach trees are there?

75 apple trees / (3 / 4) = 100 pear trees
100 pear trees / (4 / 5) 125 peach trees