All the words in the first unit of the English book in the first volume of the seventh grade of PEP

All the words in the first unit of the English book in the first volume of the seventh grade of PEP

Unit 1 words and phrases & nbsp; my & nbsp; & nbsp; my name n. & nbsp; & nbsp; is v. & nbsp; 4.clock & nbsp; & nbsp; clock n. & nbsp; 5. I & nbsp; & nbsp; my pron. & nbsp; 6. Am & nbsp; & nbsp; is v. & nbsp; 7. I & nbsp; 3

What's the text of the first unit of the seventh grade English of PEP?
It's the text and words of unit one!

Here is the text
1) Hello. / Hi./Good morning/Good afternoon/
2) –What’s your name?
--My name is Maria/Jane./ Michael.
3) I am …
4) –How are you?
--I’m fine./Not bad, thanks. How are you?
--I’m fine, thanks.
5) --Nice to meet you.
–Nice to meet you, too.
6) –How do you do?
--How do you do?
7) –Stand up, please/ Sit down, please.
–Thank you.
8) This is … .
9) –Is she… .? /Is he… .?/ Are you… ?
---Yes, she is./No, she isn’t. etc.
10) Good-bye./Bye/ See you / See you later.
More detailed:
Unit 1 Getting to know you
Topic I Hello!
Learning objectives
This topic requires:
1) Master the reading, writing and alphabet order of the 26 letters aa-zz;
2) Learn to say hello, greeting, introduction, goodbye and other daily communication language;
3) Learn the basic usages of am, is and are in the verb be, the differences and the general questions and answers they lead;
4) Preliminary understanding of my, your, and other personal pronouns
1. Letters
Master the pronunciation and writing of 26 letters. Recognize the vowel letters AA, EE, II, OO, UU, and understand the meaning of some letter combinations such as BBC, WTO, etc
2. Key words
you, good, morning, hi, I,am, is, me,are, yes, my, name, what, your , how too, please, China, thanks, see, stand, up, class, sit, down, thank, this, Mr., mother, do, day, fine, not, good-bye, she, he ,no.
3. Daily communication language
1) Hello. / Hi./Good morning/Good afternoon/
2) –What’s your name?
--My name is Maria/Jane./ Michael.
3) I am …
4) –How are you?
--I’m fine./Not bad, thanks. How are you?
--I’m fine, thanks.
5) --Nice to meet you.
–Nice to meet you, too.
6) –How do you do?
--How do you do?
7) –Stand up, please/ Sit down, please.
–Thank you.
8) This is … .
9) –Is she… .? /Is he… .?/ Are you… ?
---Yes, she is./No, she isn’t. etc.
10) Good-bye./Bye/ See you / See you later.
4. Grammar knowledge
Learn the usage, abbreviated forms and differences of am, is and are in the copula be
Cultural consciousness
Due to different cultural traditions and customs, western countries use different expressions to greet each other. For example, when we meet and greet each other, we often say "have you had dinner?" "where are you going?" which for people in western countries involves personal privacy, People in western countries usually say "how do you do" when they meet for the first time. People who are familiar with each other say "hello", "Hi" or "how are you". Sometimes strangers say "hello" or "Hi" when they greet each other (good morning / afternoon /...) Wait is a more formal greeting
Learning strategy
1) Requirements for letters:
English is a phonetic alphabet, which consists of 26 letters. To pass the alphabet level at the beginning stage, we must learn how to pronounce and write the letters well, and develop good study habits
First, read the letters accurately. Read carefully with the teacher, listen to the recording more, and eliminate the influence of Chinese pinyin and dialect pronunciation
Second, memorize the letters. Some students can only read the letters according to the order of the alphabet. If the order is disordered, they can't recognize them. It's no good. Do more training in memorizing the letters, such as reading the alphabet backwards, spelling the names of yourself or your classmates, etc. all these can help you memorize the letters
Third, write letters well. Write English letters smoothly and generously, which should be different from Chinese Pinyin, and imitate standard writing more
The basic rules of English writing
① Write according to the order of the letters and the position of the letters in the three cases
② Each letter is slightly slanted to the right, the slope should be consistent, about 5 degrees
③ Capital letters should be of the same height. It is acceptable to use the first line or the first line. All capital letters should be written in the first and second boxes
④ The dots of small letters I and j are in the middle of the first case
⑤ The lowercase letters a, C, e, m, N, O, R, s, u, V, W, x, Z fill the middle space and top the second and third lines
⑥ The small letters B, D, h, K, l occupy the upper two spaces, the upper end is the first line, the other parts are only written in the middle space, full space, pay attention not to write extra
⑦ The lower ends of the small letters g and j touch the fourth line. The upper ends of the small letters P, Q and y are in the second case and the lower ends touch the fourth line
⑧ The upper end of the small letter F is in the first case, but not the top line. It is written horizontally on the second line, and the lower end is against the fourth line. The upper end of the small letter T is only in the middle of the first case, and the short line is written horizontally on the second line
⑨ Pay attention to the stroke and stroke order of upper and lower case letters
⑩ There must be a space after each punctuation mark. There must be a proper distance between words. Generally, the width of lowercase letter A is appropriate
2) Requirements for Vocabulary: when learning new words, you should pay attention to the sound, shape and meaning of the words, such as my
First master its pronunciation, then note that its spelling is composed of the letter M - y, the word my, and finally note its meaning: mine
3) Requirements for sentences: make clear pronunciation, accurate pronunciation and intonation Apply rising tone
4) Learn to say hello in English, introduce yourself and others
Guidance and instruction
1. There are five vowels in 26 English letters. AA, EE, II, OO and UU are vowels, and the rest are consonants. Words are made up of letters. Only AA and II of the 26 letters can form a single word, and the other 24 letters are not. Each word has at least one vowel, and vowel is the basic element of a word, Consonants and vowels can only be combined to form words
2. English letters should be capitalized in the following cases:
① The first letter of the first word of a sentence should be capitalized
What’s your name?
My name is Jane.
② The first letter of a name should be capitalized
Michael, Zhou Jun
③ The first letter of address should be capitalized
Ms. Liu, Ms. Liu, Miss Wang, Mr. Chen / Mr. Chen
④ The word I (I) should always be capitalized
⑤ Place nouns should be capitalized
I am Kangkang. My name is Kangkang
In English, Chinese people's names are expressed in pinyin. The surname and first name should be separated, and the first letter should be capitalized. If the surname or first name are two words, they should be spelled together
Wang Hong, Wang Hong, Li Sulan, Li Sulan, Ouyang Feifei
Nice to meet you
This is a common greeting used by people in Britain, America and other western countries when they meet
1) After meeting for the first time and getting to know each other through introduction
2) We haven't seen each other for a long time, when we suddenly meet again
3) When we first met and broke up
How do you do
First time greeting. Pay attention to its meaning and punctuation
5. What’s your name?
It means: what's your name? Or: what's your name? This is different from the word order in Chinese. Students should understand carefully, memorize more, form a sense of language, avoid word for word translation and speak Chinglish
This is my teacher, Mr Lee
When introducing people, men and women, young and old, usually say this is Don't say: she / he is Note: This is is not abbreviated and cannot be written as this's
Have a nice day
---You, too
Thank you
When the other party gives us help, cares, treats us well, or praises or praises us, we all say thanks or thank you
9. The usage of Copula be (AM / is / are): be has three forms: am, is and are. Their collocation is fixed. Am can only be used with I, is can only be used with he, she, it and other third person singular words. Are is used after you or the subject is plural
I am Jane. This is Jane
I am fine
Li Ming is my friend
Is she Maria?
Are you Mr. Liang?
At the same time, I am = I'm my name is = my name's what is = what's is not = isn't
Welcome to China
Welcome + place means welcome to a place, such as:
Welcome to Hainan
Welcome to Ding'an middle school
11. Good by / by / see you later
Good byes are often used in formal occasions, and good byes are also used for answers. In spoken English or among acquaintances (especially children), we like to use byes or byes. Other commonly used farewell words are: see you. See you later. See you later. See you tomorrow

People's education press, Grade 7, Volume 1 English word list, unit 1
I remember the first word is name, fast, homework did not bring English books, fast

Unit 1My name’s My name is nice. My name is nice. My name is nice. My name is nice. My name is nice. My name is nice. My name is nice. My name is nice. My name is nice

Solve the equation x + 1 / 2x = 9

X + 1 / 2x = 9 multiply both sides by 2 at the same time

The speed of the freight car is 3 / 4 of that of the passenger car. The two cars are facing each other and meet at 6km away from the midpoint to seek the whole journey

Take the speed of the bus as the unit, the freight car is 3 / 4 of the bus, their combined speed is 1 + 3 / 4 = 7 / 4, their meeting time is 1 △ 7 / 4 = 4 / 7, when meeting, the bus goes: 1 × 4 / 7 = 4 / 7, speed × time, the freight car goes: 3 / 4 × 4 / 7 = 3 / 7, when meeting, the bus goes more than the freight car: 4 / 7-3 / 7 = 1 / 7, at the same time, the bus goes more than the freight car

If you move the decimal point one place to the right, the number will increase by 31.86. What is the decimal?

Decimals = 31.86 (10-1) = 3.54

The distance is 496 kilometers. A car travels 64 kilometers per hour. After one hour, a freight car travels 56 kilometers per hour. When does the freight car leave, it will meet the passenger car

(496-64 × 1) / (64 + 56) = 3.6 (hours)

How much is 1-cos2x / SiNx equal when seeking limx 0 (simplifying detailed process)


A car from a to B, 60 km per hour, has walked 120 km, equivalent to 3 / 5 of the whole journey. This car takes several hours to walk the whole journey

X * 3 / 5 = 2, x = 10 / 3 hours, that is, 3 hours and 20 minutes

Molecule: X cube-16x, denominator: x square + x-20. How to divide?

X cube-16x, denominator: x square + x-20