Answers to mathematics newspaper issue 24

Answers to mathematics newspaper issue 24

What's the name of the math newspaper?

Xiao Dao read a 200 page story book. On the first day, he read a quarter of the book, and on the second day, he read a fifth of it
1. How many pages did you read on the first day_________________ .
2. How many pages did you read in two days__________________ .
3. How many more pages did the first day read than the second_________________ .
4. How many pages are left__________________ .
The fruit shop brought in a batch of fruit, which sold 200 kg the first day and 300 kg the next
1. One third of the total sales on the first day, how many kilos of this fruit_______________ .
2. Five sixths of the total amount was sold in two days. How many kilos of this batch of fruit____________ .
3. The first day was one sixth less than the second day. How many kilos of this batch of fruit_____________ .
4. One sixth of the total is left. How many kilos of this batch of fruit are there___________________ .
1. Expert tips: the weight of children's schoolbags should be controlled within 10% of their weight. If schoolchildren go to school with overweight schoolbags for a long time, their physical development will be affected. Xiaodao's weight this year is 38kg, carrying a 4kg schoolbag, is it overweight?
2. There are 192 pages in an interesting mathematics book. On the first day, Xiaohua read one eighth of the total number of pages in the book. On the second day, he read one eighth of the total number of pages in the book. On the third day, what page did he start to read?

1.200 × 1 / 4 = 50 pages 2.200 × (1 / 4 + 1 / 5) = 90 pages 3. (1 / 4-1 / 5) × 200 = 10 pages 4.20-90 = 10 pages 1.200 / 1 / 3 = 600 kg 2. (200 + 300) / 5 / 6 = 600 kg 3. (300-200) / 1 / 6 = 600 kg 4. (30 + 200) / 5 / 6 = 600 kg 1.38 × 10% = 3.8 kg 3.8 < 4 answer: overweight

Who can tell me the properties of double hook function and how to find its vertex

In general, the function f (x) = ax + B / x, (a > 0, b > 0) is called double hook function. This function is an odd function, and the image is symmetric about the origin. It is located in the first and third quadrants. When x > 0, we can get y ≥ 2 √ AB from the basic inequality. If and only if AX = B / x, that is, x = √ (B / a), we take the equal sign

The average number of a and B is 32, 3 / 5 of a is equal to B, find a
Fang Chengjie

Let a be X

Is there any good way to simplify the augmented matrix when ramda is equal to the number of nonhomogeneous linear equations with infinite solution, unique solution and no solution
Sometimes my simplification is different from the answer, so the final value is different

(1) If the number of equations is the same as the number of unknowns, you can find the unique solution of the original nonlinear equations when the coefficient determinant is not equal to zero. Then, if the coefficient determinant is equal to zero, we can use the augmented matrix to discuss whether the original linear equations have solutions or infinite solutions

It takes six minutes for a person to process a part alone, five minutes for B, and four minutes for C. now three people process 370 parts at the same time
How many parts did a process for the assigned task?

If we do it for one hour, 60 / 6 of a is 10, then B does 12, C 15.370 divided by 37 is 10, and then multiply by 10 is 100

Let's change this formula


There are two granaries A and B, and the ratio of grain storage tons is 5:3. If 5 tons of grain are transported from warehouse A to warehouse B, then the two granaries will store the same amount of grain. How many tons of grain was stored in warehouse a?

The ratio of tons of grain stored in warehouse A and warehouse B is 5:3, 5 + 3 = 8, so warehouse a accounts for 58 tons of grain stored in warehouse A and warehouse B. warehouse A is more than warehouse B: 58 − 38 = 28. Total grain: 5 △ 2 = 5 × 8 = 40 tons. Grain stored in warehouse A: 40 × 58 = 25 tons


2x=11 x=5.5

Simple calculation of 25 + 75-25 + 75
