I would like to ask the chemical reaction rate constant and temperature, concentration relationship

I would like to ask the chemical reaction rate constant and temperature, concentration relationship

The higher the temperature is, the higher the rate is. The concentration depends on whether the solid is a gas liquid. The solid does not affect it. The higher the concentration is, the higher the rate is

What is the apparent rate constant

Apparent rate constant
Data formula:
Properties: (1) describe a kinetic constant of complex enzyme reaction which does not follow Michaelis rule. For example, when glucose is oxidized to δ - glucosyllactone under the action of enzyme (Flavin), the enzyme (Flavin) required for the reaction contains a regeneration step, which can be expressed by the following formula (k + 1, k-1, K + 2, K + 3, K + 4 are reaction constants): when the enzyme (Flavin) is oxidized to δ - glucosyllactone, the enzyme (Flavin) required for the reaction contains a regeneration step, (2) in the case of immobilized enzyme, the external diffusion limitation (the diffusion limitation caused by the substrate passing through the stagnant membrane around the immobilized particle) and the internal diffusion limitation (the limitation caused by the substrate diffusing from the particle interface to the particle interior) exist, The free enzyme reaction rate V is related to the maximum enzyme reaction rate Vmax (Vmax is the product of the enzyme substrate binding rate K2 and the enzyme concentration E0). The Michaelis constant km is related to the substrate concentration s and can be expressed by the Michaelis equation: v = vmaxs / (km + s). In the equation, the units of V and Vmax are mol / m3 · s, while in the case of immobilized enzyme, due to the diffusion limitation, the free enzyme reaction rate V is related to the maximum enzyme reaction rate Vmax (Vmax is the product of the enzyme substrate binding rate K2 and the enzyme concentration E0), The apparent reaction rates V '(mol / m2 · s) and V' (mol / m3 · s), the apparent Michaelis constant K '(mol / m3) and the apparent maximum reaction rates V' (max) (mol / m2 · s) and V '(max) (mol / m3 · s) must be different from the free enzyme reaction, In addition, γ φ is called Thiele modulus, where de is the effective diffusion coefficient of substrate in the immobilized particles, m2 / s
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