There are two point charges a and B in vacuum, and their charge quantity QA = 2qb. When the distance between them is 0.01cm, the interaction force is 1.8x10 to the - 5th power

There are two point charges a and B in vacuum, and their charge quantity QA = 2qb. When the distance between them is 0.01cm, the interaction force is 1.8x10 to the - 5th power

It is known that: QA = 2qb, r = 0.01cm = 10 ^ - 4m, f = 1.8x10 ^ - 5, n k = k = 9.0 × 10 ^ 9N & { 8226; M & { 178 / / C & { 178; let: QB = q, then QA = 2q from the expression of Coulomb's Law: F = kq1q2 / R & { 178; get: F = kqaqb / R & { 178

How to calculate the electric field strength at the midpoint of the line when two equal heterogeneous charges (q = 10-8 power C) are separated by a certain distance in vacuum?
Thank you

LS is about the same kind of charge. This problem is about different kinds of charges. They are equal in size and in the same direction
Let the distance be d
Then the E1 generated by the positive charge is KQ / (square of D / 2), and the direction points to the negative charge
The E2 produced by negative charge is the same as that produced by positive charge, but it points to itself
Add it up, e = 2E1 = 2kq / (square of D / 2)

In vacuum, the charge Q1 of negative 9th power C with charge quantity of 2.7 * 10 is attracted by another point charge Q2, which is - 5th power n with charge quantity of 8.0 * 10
The distance between Q1 and Q2 is 0.1M, and the charge quantity of Q2 is calculated

For the point charge in vacuum, use Coulomb's law f = k * Q1 * Q2 / R ^ 2, Q2 = FR / (kq1), K is 9.0 * 10 ^ 9, bring in the data to find the answer

In vacuum, the point a 10 cm away from the point charge Q has a point charge Q of 5.0 × 10, which is negative to the ninth power C and is affected by 3
In vacuum, there is a point charge Q with 5.0 × 10 negative 9th power C at a distance of 10 cm from the point charge Q, which is subjected to the electric field force of 3.0 × 10 negative 4th power n. the electric field strength of point a and the electric quantity of charge q are calculated

Field strength:
Power consumption: