The sum of numerator and denominator of a fraction is 67. If 5 is added to each numerator and denominator, the ratio of numerator and denominator is 2:5, and the original fraction is 67___ .

The sum of numerator and denominator of a fraction is 67. If 5 is added to each numerator and denominator, the ratio of numerator and denominator is 2:5, and the original fraction is 67___ .

2 + 5 = 7, numerator: (67 + 5 + 5) × 27 = 22, denominator: (67 + 5 + 5) × 57 = 55, then both numerator and denominator subtract 5 respectively, that is, the original score is 1750 if the numerator of the original score is 22-5 = 17 and denominator is 55-5 = 50

The sum of numerator and denominator of a fraction is 67. If 5 is added to each numerator and denominator, the ratio of numerator and denominator is 2:5, and the original fraction is 67___ .

2 + 5 = 7, numerator: (67 + 5 + 5) × 27 = 22, denominator: (67 + 5 + 5) × 57 = 55, then both numerator and denominator subtract 5 respectively, that is, the original score is 1750 if the numerator of the original score is 22-5 = 17 and denominator is 55-5 = 50

The sum of numerator and denominator of a fraction is 67. If 5 is added to each numerator and denominator, the ratio of numerator and denominator is 2:5, and the original fraction is 67___ .

2 + 5 = 7, numerator: (67 + 5 + 5) × 27 = 22, denominator: (67 + 5 + 5) × 57 = 55, then both numerator and denominator subtract 5 respectively, that is, the original score is 1750 if the numerator of the original score is 22-5 = 17 and denominator is 55-5 = 50

The sum of numerator and denominator of a fraction is 67. If 5 is added to each numerator and denominator, the ratio of numerator and denominator is 2:5, and the original fraction is 67___ .

2 + 5 = 7, numerator: (67 + 5 + 5) × 27 = 22, denominator: (67 + 5 + 5) × 57 = 55, then both numerator and denominator subtract 5 respectively, that is, the original score is 1750 if the numerator of the original score is 22-5 = 17 and denominator is 55-5 = 50