A fraction, numerator multiplied by 3, denominator divided by 2, simplified aftermarket 3 / 4, the original score is ()

A fraction, numerator multiplied by 3, denominator divided by 2, simplified aftermarket 3 / 4, the original score is ()

It's one eighth

The simplest fraction, whose numerator is divided by 2 and denominator multiplied by 3, is reduced to 329. The simplest fraction is______ .

329 × 2 × 3 = 1829

If you multiply the numerator of a simplest fraction by 2 and divide the denominator by 3, it will be 2 / 3. What is the original simplest fraction?

The original minimalist score was one in nine
Molecule = 2 △ 2 = 1
Denominator = 3 × 3 = 9

If the numerator of the simplest fraction is divided by 2 and the denominator is multiplied by 3, it will be reduced to 3 / 29. The numerator of the simplest fraction is 18? Right?

Let the simplest fraction be a / b
6A / b = 29 / 3, then a divided by B / 6 = 29 / 3
Multiply both sides by 1 / 6
So: A / b = 29 / 18
So wrong