The sum of the three fractions is two and one seventh. The fractional units of the three fractions are the same. The numerator is a continuous natural number. What are the three fractions?

The sum of the three fractions is two and one seventh. The fractional units of the three fractions are the same. The numerator is a continuous natural number. What are the three fractions?

4/7 , 5/7 , 6/7.

The numerator and denominator of a true fraction are two consecutive natural numbers. If 3 is added to the denominator, the score will be three fifths. What is the original score?

Let the numerator and denominator of the original fraction be x and X + 1 respectively
The solution is x = 6
It turns out that the score is 6 / 7

Add the same natural number to the numerator and denominator of 1 / 13 at the same time to get another fraction equal to 1 / 2. What is the natural number?

The natural number is 11,
Add 1 / 13 numerator and denominator with the same natural, 11,
The other fraction obtained is 12 out of 24 equal to 1 out of 2

Add the same natural number to the numerator and denominator of one thirteenth at the same time, and the new fraction is equal to one half