The sum of the three simplest true fractions is 1 and 7 / 5. Their denominator is the same, and the numerator is three adjacent natural numbers. What are the three fractions

The sum of the three simplest true fractions is 1 and 7 / 5. Their denominator is the same, and the numerator is three adjacent natural numbers. What are the three fractions

When the numerator denominator is expanded 7 times at the same time, the result is 84 out of 35, which is decomposed into three fractions: 27 out of 35, 28 out of 35 and 29 out of 35. These three fractions satisfy the meaning of the question

Judgment. The numerator and denominator of a fraction are two adjacent natural numbers. The fraction must be the simplest fraction

The numerator and denominator of a fraction are two adjacent natural numbers. The fraction must be the simplest fraction
There's a problem downstairs. It's natural