How much is added to the numerator and denominator of one thirteenth at the same time to divide it into about one third? 1. Don't solve the equation, but use the formula step by step (comprehensive formula can be listed). 2!

How much is added to the numerator and denominator of one thirteenth at the same time to divide it into about one third? 1. Don't solve the equation, but use the formula step by step (comprehensive formula can be listed). 2!

The numerator and denominator of one thirteenth can be divided into about one third by adding a certain number at the same time
Therefore, 13 + a certain number = 3 times of (1 + a certain number)
2 times of a number = 10
So, a number = 5
So, if you add 5 to the numerator and denominator of one thirteenth at the same time, you can divide it into about one third

The simplest fraction, whose numerator is divided by 2 and denominator multiplied by 3, is reduced to 329. The simplest fraction is______ .

329 × 2 × 3 = 1829