How to judge the stability of elements by periodic table of chemical elements?

How to judge the stability of elements by periodic table of chemical elements?

Look at the number of electrons in the outermost layer. From the left, it's one, eight
Noble gases are also stable

Elements in the periodic table that have special relationships, such as diagonal relationships
Can you tell me if there are other relationships like this besides diagonal relationships and the elements contained in these relationships

In the periodic table of Li, Mg, be, Al, be and Al, some main group elements have similar properties to the main group elements at the bottom right, which is called "diagonal rule"

Periodic table is an important tool for learning and studying chemistry. The following table is a part of periodic table

The top 20 symbol names of the periodic table of chemical elements are also abbreviated

Hydrogen (H)
Helium (he)
Lithium (LI)
Beryllium (be)
Boron (b)
Carbon (c)
Nitrogen (n)
Oxygen (o)
Fluorine (f)
Neon (NE)
Sodium (NA)
Magnesium (mg)
Aluminum (AL)
Silicon (SI)
Sulfur (s)
Chlorine (CL)
Argon (AR)
Potassium (k)
Calcium (CA)