Is Weber's theorem the same as Veda's theorem? What is Weber's theorem in linear algebra?

Is Weber's theorem the same as Veda's theorem? What is Weber's theorem in linear algebra?

Different Weber's law, that is, the difference threshold of sensation changes with the change of the original stimulus, and it shows a certain regularity. It is expressed by the formula, that is △ Φ / Φ = C, where Φ is the original stimulus amount, △ Φ is the difference threshold at this time, and C is a constant, also known as Weber's rate

When did you learn Weber's theorem in mathematics

In detail, I talked about it when I was studying the equation of degree 1 with 2 variables in junior high school, because it was convenient, but I may not know that it was Veda's theorem. After a short reading in the first year of senior high school, I introduced him, but it was not a formal course. After all, it was just this formula

Calculation formula of 90 degree angle
Each side of a 90 degree angle is 100 cm long. Please help me to work out the length of the hypotenuse

100 root 2

Cutting calculation formula of 90 degree shrimp elbow

Cutting formula:
90 ° r = 1.5dn pushing elbow blanking length (mm) = elbow outer diameter (mm) * 1.5 * 1.57 * elbow outer diameter (mm) / pre selected steel pipe outer diameter (mm) + pre selected steel pipe wall thickness (mm) * 3
This formula also needs to refer to the manufacturer's core bar size