The relationship between ocean current, atmospheric circulation and climate types

The relationship between ocean current, atmospheric circulation and climate types

The atmospheric circulation will affect the ocean current, and the ocean current will also affect the atmospheric circulation
Atmospheric circulation is the most important factor in the formation of climate, ocean currents will also affect the climate

How did El Nino come into being and what is its impact on global climate?

El Nino phenomenon, also known as El Nino current, is a climate phenomenon caused by the imbalance between ocean and atmosphere in the Pacific equatorial zone
Under normal circumstances, the monsoon current in the tropical Pacific region moves from America to Asia, keeping the surface of the Pacific warm and bringing tropical rainfall to Indonesia. However, this pattern is disturbed every 2-7 years, which reverses the wind direction and current. The heat flow in the surface of the Pacific turns eastward to America, and then takes away the tropical rainfall, resulting in the so-called "El Nino phenomenon"
In the early 19th century, fishermen in Ecuador, Peru and other Spanish speaking countries in South America found that every few years, from October to march of the next year, there would be a warm current moving southward along the coast, which significantly increased the surface water temperature, As the cold current moves, the Peruvian fishing ground becomes one of the three largest fishing grounds in the world. However, as soon as the warm current appears, a large number of cold water loving fish will die, causing the fishermen to suffer the disaster. Because this phenomenon is most serious around Christmas, the fishermen who suffer from natural disasters and have nothing to do will call them the son of God, Scientifically, this term is used to describe the abnormal warming of sea surface temperature in the East Pacific Ocean thousands of kilometers near Peru and Ecuador
The basic characteristics of El Nino phenomenon are that the sea surface temperature and water level along the Pacific coast rise abnormally, and a warm current flows southward. It turns the eastern Pacific waters, which belong to cold water region, into warm waters. As a result, it causes tsunamis and storms, causing drought in some areas and excessive rainfall in other areas
When this happens, the temperature of sea water in a large area can be 3-6 ℃ higher than that in normal years
High temperature changes the traditional equatorial current and southeast trade wind, leading to global climate anomalies
The whole process of El Nino is divided into occurrence period, development period, maintenance period and attenuation period, which generally lasts about one year. The change of atmosphere lags behind the change of sea temperature

What is the relationship between monsoon climate and atmospheric circulation?

Monsoon climate is a kind of atmospheric circulation, monsoon circulation refers to the change of wind with seasonal wind, mainly refers to the wind direction, as well as the change of wind size! There are many forms of atmospheric circulation, such as thermal circulation, single circle circulation, three circle circulation, monsoon circulation and so on

The relationship between temperature change and atmospheric circulation?

Temperature changes cause high and low pressure, high and low pressure will form atmospheric circulation