Distribution of climate types in the world

Distribution of climate types in the world

Tropical climate (1) the equatorial (tropical) rain forest climate is roughly distributed between the north and South latitudes of 10 degrees, with the Amazon plain in South America, Congo Basin in Africa, the great and small Sunda Islands in Asia as typical. (2) the tropical monsoon climate is roughly distributed between the north and South latitudes of 10 degrees and the east coast of the continent between the Tropic of cancer and the central and southern half of Asia

Distribution of climate types in Africa

Climate types in Africa:
Mediterranean climate: Mediterranean coast of North Africa and southern South Africa
Tropical desert climate: mainly in northern Africa, mainly in the Sahara Desert as the center
Tropical rainforest climate: mainly in Africa's Congo Basin and a small part of the Gulf of Guinea coast
Savanna climate: it is distributed on both sides of the tropical rainforest climate, covering a wide area and crossing most African countries
Plateau mountain climate: mainly distributed in the plateau mountains of the East African plateau, such as the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro

The climate types only distributed in Asia are______ .

The Asian monsoon climate is significant. The climate types only distributed in Asia are tropical monsoon climate and temperate monsoon climate. The tropical monsoon climate is distributed in the Indian peninsula and Indochina Peninsula, and the temperate monsoon climate is distributed in the northeast of China, the southeast of Russia, the Korean Peninsula and its nearby islands

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