Physics problem -- quantum theory Pauli's incompatibility principle, 1) It is impossible to have more than two electrons in the same quantum state 2) It is impossible for more than two photons to be in the same quantum state 3) It is impossible to have more than two electrons in the same energy level, that is, with exactly the same energy 4) It is impossible to have more than two electrons in the same orbit with the same angular momentum The above sentences are right. Why are the others wrong? What's wrong? (multiple choice) There is no basis for the following facts 1) Positron, as the antiparticle of electron, was detected by Anderson in 1932 from the cloud chamber of cosmic ray. So the positron prediction was confirmed 2) Scientists observed a sea of particles in the cloud chamber 3) Electron pairs (negative) and positron can be excited from vacuum 4) Dirac imagines that the hole in the sea of electrons is a positron Say according to (single choice) The following statement is not accurate 1) The movement of micro material system does not meet the strict law of cause and effect, and does not conform to the principle of pure determinism 2) The motion of micro material system has statistical law 3) It is Einstein's expectation that the unified field theory of construction determinism can be used as a "complete" description of the objective material world 4) Einstein himself has been thinking for 50 years, but he is still trying to figure out what light quantum is and what the mechanism of quantum transition is, so he has always opposed the concept of quantum Single choice and give reasons By describing the structure of the electron shell, physicists began to describe the quantum state, and physicists began to clearly mark the quantum state 1) The quantum state of a microscopic particle is represented by a set of quantum numbers 2) Different quantum numbers lead to different quantum states 3) The angular momentum of the electron orbit can only be taken as some discrete values, and the direction is not specified 4) Each quantum number indicates that the corresponding mechanical quantity is quantized Single choice and give reasons

Physics problem -- quantum theory Pauli's incompatibility principle, 1) It is impossible to have more than two electrons in the same quantum state 2) It is impossible for more than two photons to be in the same quantum state 3) It is impossible to have more than two electrons in the same energy level, that is, with exactly the same energy 4) It is impossible to have more than two electrons in the same orbit with the same angular momentum The above sentences are right. Why are the others wrong? What's wrong? (multiple choice) There is no basis for the following facts 1) Positron, as the antiparticle of electron, was detected by Anderson in 1932 from the cloud chamber of cosmic ray. So the positron prediction was confirmed 2) Scientists observed a sea of particles in the cloud chamber 3) Electron pairs (negative) and positron can be excited from vacuum 4) Dirac imagines that the hole in the sea of electrons is a positron Say according to (single choice) The following statement is not accurate 1) The movement of micro material system does not meet the strict law of cause and effect, and does not conform to the principle of pure determinism 2) The motion of micro material system has statistical law 3) It is Einstein's expectation that the unified field theory of construction determinism can be used as a "complete" description of the objective material world 4) Einstein himself has been thinking for 50 years, but he is still trying to figure out what light quantum is and what the mechanism of quantum transition is, so he has always opposed the concept of quantum Single choice and give reasons By describing the structure of the electron shell, physicists began to describe the quantum state, and physicists began to clearly mark the quantum state 1) The quantum state of a microscopic particle is represented by a set of quantum numbers 2) Different quantum numbers lead to different quantum states 3) The angular momentum of the electron orbit can only be taken as some discrete values, and the direction is not specified 4) Each quantum number indicates that the corresponding mechanical quantity is quantized Single choice and give reasons

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Does quantum theory mean that energy is a matter?

First of all, I don't understand the question of the landlord very clearly
Out of this time, I can only answer according to what I know
The purpose of quantum theory is to accurately describe the phenomena shown in experiments. Firstly, it does not change the essential philosophy of Physics (i.e. materialism). Secondly, the basic assumption of quantum mechanics is based on the representation of a large number of experiments, that is to say, it does not start from some existing (then existing) theory (in fact, physics is an experimental science, It's not utopian art
Therefore, energy (the energy of matter, such as the energy of particles) as an observable measure of particle motion obeys some mathematical rules summarized by quantum mechanics. It is not different from classical mechanics (Newton, Lagrange, Hamiltonian mechanics) in the treatment of energy
Of course, with the development of experimental technology (a large number of existing experimental technologies are actually based on the theory of quantum mechanics, but this does not mean that quantum mechanics is a complete objective theory, just that it has made outstanding contributions to the present), new physics theories are being constructed, but physics, as an experimental science, still needs to be based on experiments
At least for the existing particle motion in a certain scale, quantum mechanics can make an accurate description

A classic physics problem,
My head is short circuited. There is a bar magnet inside a square coil. The coil and the magnet are in the same plane. They have the same central axis. Why is there no induced current in the coil when the magnet moves up or down,
According to the reference book, when the magnet moves up or down, the coil is always on the axis of the bar magnet, so the magnetic flux is always 0,

Ha ha, I did it in high school, because the total amount of magnetic induction lines in the coil has no change, and the electromotive force = the rate of change of magnetic induction divided by time. According to the formula in the book, the induced electromotive force generated by the two parts of the coil relative to the left and right parts of the magnet is equal in size and opposite in direction
When the magnet moves up or down, the coil is always on the axis of the bar magnet, so the magnetic flux is always 0-------------------------------------
The coil is always on the axis of a magnet, so the speed of cutting the magnetic induction lines of the left and right parts is equal to the number of lines cut, so the same size and opposite direction electromotive force are generated, so there is no current

A classic physics problem
In order to measure the acceleration of the slider on the air cushion navigation, a 3.0cm wide light shield is installed on the slider, and the slider passes through two photoelectric gates under the action of traction, The matching digital millisecond machine records that the time of the baffle passing through the first photoelectric gate is 0.30s. The time of the baffle passing through the second photoelectric gate is 0.10s. The time of the baffle from covering the first photoelectric gate to covering the second photoelectric gate is 3.60s. The acceleration of the slider is calculated

Let t0 be the time to cover the first gate, T1 be the time to leave the first gate, T2 be the time to cover the second gate, T3 be the time to leave the second gate, v be the speed to cover the first gate, d be the width of the light shield, and a be the acceleration of the whole process
There are two equations and two unknowns. Bring in the known quantities and sort them out. (note the significant numbers. The 0.5 before a does not affect the significant numbers.)
2 minus (1 divided by 3) has
0.70 * a = 0.040 (A should have two significant digits)
The solution is a = 0.057m/s/s