Examples of low carbon life

Examples of low carbon life

1. Buy less unnecessary clothes
In the process of clothing production, processing and transportation, a lot of energy is consumed, and pollutants such as waste gas and waste water are produced. On the premise of ensuring the needs of life, each person can buy one less unnecessary clothing every year, which can save about 2.5kg of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 6.4kg accordingly. If 25 million people do this every year in China, About 62500 tons of standard coal can be saved and 160000 tons of carbon dioxide can be reduced
2. Reduce the number of sheets changing and washing when staying in hotels
The washing of bed sheets and quilt covers consumes water, electricity and washing powder. If the bed sheets are changed less once, electricity consumption of 0.03 ℃, water consumption of 13 liters and washing powder consumption of 22.5 G can be saved, and carbon dioxide emission of 50 g can be reduced accordingly. If 8880 star hotels (2002 data) adopt the standard of "green guest room" (changing bed sheets every 3 days), the comprehensive energy saving can be about 16000 tons of standard coal and carbon dioxide emission can be reduced by 40000 tons
3. Use energy-saving way to wash clothes
(1) wash clothes by hand once a month
With the improvement of people's material living standards, washing machines have entered thousands of households. Although washing machines have brought great help to life, only two or three pieces of clothes are washed by machine, which will cause waste of water and electricity. If hand washing is used instead of machine washing once a month, each washing machine can save about 1.4 kg of standard coal per year, If 190 million washing machines are used less than once a month, about 260000 tons of standard coal can be saved and 684000 tons of carbon dioxide can be reduced every year
(2) reduce 1 kg of washing powder per year
Washing powder is a necessity of life, but it is often wasted in use. Reasonable use can save energy and reduce emissions. For example, if less than 1kg of washing powder is used, about 0.28kg of standard coal can be saved, and the corresponding carbon dioxide emission reduction is 0.72kg. If 390 million households in China use less than 1kg of washing powder every year, about 109000 tons of standard coal can be saved, and 281000 tons of carbon dioxide can be reduced
(3) select energy-saving washing machine
Compared with ordinary washing machines, energy-saving washing machines can save 50% of electricity and 60% of water. Each energy-saving washing machine can save about 3.7 kg of standard coal per year and reduce 9.4 kg of carbon dioxide correspondingly. If 10% of ordinary washing machines in China are replaced by energy-saving washing machines every year, it can save about 70000 tons of standard coal and reduce 178000 tons of carbon dioxide per year
2. Food
4. Reduce food waste
However, the phenomenon of wasting grain is still serious. If 0.5 kg of grain is wasted less (take rice as an example), about 0.18 kg of standard coal can be saved and 0.47 kg of carbon dioxide can be reduced correspondingly. If 0.5 kg of grain is wasted every year, about 241000 tons of standard coal can be saved and 612000 tons of carbon dioxide can be reduced
5. Reduce the waste of livestock products
Each person wastes less 0.5 kg of pork per year, which can save about 0.28 kg of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide by 0.7 kg. If the national average person wastes less 0.5 kg of pork per year, it can save about 353000 tons of standard coal and reduce 911000 tons of carbon dioxide per year
6. Drink in moderation
(1) drink less than one bottle of beer every month in summer
In the three months of summer, drinking less than one bottle per month on average can save about 0.23 kg of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide by 0.6 kg per year for one person. From a nationwide perspective, it can save about 297000 tons of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide by 780000 tons per year
(2) drink less than 0.5 kilograms of Baijiu liquor a year.
Baijiu has enriched the life and made the Chinese nation's splendid wine culture more successful. However, it is easy to cause accidents if drunk. If 1 people drink less than 0.5 kilograms in 1, they can save about 0.4 kilograms of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide by 1 kilograms. If the 200 million "alcoholic people" of the whole country drink less than 0.5 kilograms a year, they can save about 80 thousand tons of standard coal every year and reduce carbon dioxide by 200 thousand tons.
7. Reduce smoking
Smoking is harmful to health, and cigarette production also consumes energy. If you smoke less than one cigarette a day, you can save about 0.14 kg of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide by 0.37 kg per person per year. If 350 million smokers do this, you can save about 50000 tons of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide by 130000 tons per year

Three examples of low-carbon life are listed from the perspective of physics

"Low carbon life" is a new concept, but it focuses on the old problem of sustainable development in the world. It reflects the concern of human beings for the future due to climate change. The consensus of the world on this issue is increasing day by day, "low carbon life" has become the current buzzword

Examples of low carbon life

1. daily rice washing water can be used for washing hands, cleaning furniture, watering flowers, etc. clean, hygienic and natural moistening; 2., laying waste newspapers on the bottom of the wardrobe, not only can absorb moisture, but also absorb the peculiar smell in the closet; 3., do not throw away the used mask paper, use it to wipe the jewelry, wipe the surface of the furniture or wipe the belt, not only wipe it out.

Examples and examples of low carbon life
With the theme of "low carbon economy, low carbon life", observe a scientific phenomenon around you and write a scientific essay or investigation report
Requirements: clear organization, fluent writing, scientific reason
Don't copy the whole article of others
Both examples and compositions should be listed: Example 1. Composition. (450 ~ 600, not too many)

We are the masters of the earth, the earth is our home, we should protect it, not pollute the earth. Low carbon life is very simple, as long as we don't waste, we can save some energy and assets for nature, and do a good thing for the earth