What is low carbon life (for example)? Why low carbon life? (behavior)

What is low carbon life (for example)? Why low carbon life? (behavior)

Low carbon life is a very environmentally friendly and civilized way of life. Saving water, electricity, oil and solar terms can help us turn low carbon life into reality
Now our country has made a public commitment to the world's emission reduction targets, and decided to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% - 45% by 2020 compared with 2005. The low-carbon era has arrived, and is changing our lives

Connect two bulbs L1 and L2 with the same rated voltage in series into the circuit. After connecting the circuit, it is found that L1 should be brighter. Then the following judgment is correct ()
A. The resistance of L1 may be smaller than that of L2. B. the rated power of L1 may be larger than that of L2. C. If two lamps are connected into the circuit, L1 will be brighter. D. L1 will be darker when two lamps work normally

When the two lamps are connected in series, the current is equal, and L1 should be on, which means P1 > P2. From P = I2R, R1 > R2 can be obtained. If the rated voltage of the two lamps is equal, then p = u2r can know that P1 is less than P2, that is, L1 should be dark when the two lamps are working normally. If the two lamps are connected in parallel, then the voltage at both ends of the two lamps is equal. From P = u2r, we can know that L1's actual power is smaller, and the bulb should be darker