The electric power of a bulb is 40W (= 40J / s)__________

The electric power of a bulb is 40W (= 40J / s)__________

The electric power of a bulb is 40W (= 40J / s)_ The bulb consumes 40 J per second

What's the physical meaning of an electric iron with an electric power of 25W?

The work done by this electric iron at rated voltage is 25J per second

Physical experiment report on measuring electric power of small bulb
The sooner the better. Urgent. Due the day after tomorrow

Experiment report experiment Name: use voltmeter and ammeter to measure the electric power of small light bulb experiment time: December 11, 2007 morning section 4 experiment location: physics laboratory experiment schematic diagram experiment purpose: 1. Learn to use voltmeter and ammeter to measure the electric power of small light bulb. 2. Practice writing experiment report

Measuring the rated power of small bulb
In order to determine the rated power of small light bulb, one group of experimental equipment is selected from the two groups of equipment provided below, and a test method is designed
(1) Draw the circuit diagram of the experiment
(2) Write out the experimental steps and use the alphabet to measure the physical quantities:
(3) Write the expression of the rated power of the measured small bulb
Equipment 1: small bulb with "3V", ammeter, battery pack, sliding rheostat, customized resistance with known resistance value, switch and wire; equipment 2: small bulb with "0.3A", voltmeter, battery pack, sliding rheostat, customized resistance with known resistance value, switch and wire
Just do (1), I can push the others out
But (2) and (3) I increased the reward by 10 points each!

Equipment 1:
(1) Parallel circuit: the bulb is connected in parallel with the setting resistor, and the switch is on the branch of the bulb (i.e. connected in series with the bulb)
(2) Open switch record close switch record push yourself. Too cumbersome