A classic physics problem The teacher provided the following equipment: a constant voltage power supply (unknown voltage), a resistance Rx to be measured, a sliding rheostat (the maximum resistance is R0), an ammeter (or voltmeter) with appropriate range, two single pole switches, and several wires. Please select some of the equipment given to complete the resistance RX experiment with four different methods ① Draw the experimental circuit diagram ② Write out the main steps of the experiment ③ Write the expression of Rx

A classic physics problem The teacher provided the following equipment: a constant voltage power supply (unknown voltage), a resistance Rx to be measured, a sliding rheostat (the maximum resistance is R0), an ammeter (or voltmeter) with appropriate range, two single pole switches, and several wires. Please select some of the equipment given to complete the resistance RX experiment with four different methods ① Draw the experimental circuit diagram ② Write out the main steps of the experiment ③ Write the expression of Rx

In series circuit: total voltage, total current, R resistance refers to any resistance of sliding rheostat
RX = (U total / I total) - R resistance (partial resistance of series circuit)
Parallel circuit: measure the power supply voltage and total current (constant voltage circuit)
RX = u / (I total - U / R resistance)

In our daily life, we sometimes prevent internal energy transfer by blocking heat transfer. Please give two examples

Wrap the popsicle in a quilt to prevent it from melting
The handle of wok hinders heat transfer
Refrigerator door hinders heat transfer

In daily life, sometimes internal energy is directly used by strengthening heat transfer, and sometimes internal energy transfer is prevented by blocking heat transfer. Please give an example___ .

When boiling water, the increase of water temperature changes the internal energy of the object through heat transfer; the pot is made of metal, which is a good conductor of heat, and it needs the material to have good thermal conductivity; when drilling wood to make fire, the drill and wood rub each other to do work, and the mechanical energy is converted into the internal energy of the wood, and the wood needs to have good heat insulation performance, so that the internal energy of the wood is increased by doing work Change the internal energy of the object. So the answer is: kettle boiling water and drilling wood for fire

In daily life, sometimes internal energy is directly utilized by heating heat transfer, and sometimes internal energy transfer is prevented by blocking heat transfer

Using internal energy: cooking and boiling water
Hindrance: the thermos keeps the water warm