Using atmospheric circulation to explain some geographical phenomena

Using atmospheric circulation to explain some geographical phenomena

For example, the distribution of precipitation around the world is the process of water vapor transport by atmospheric circulation
At the same time, the Mediterranean climate is caused by the typical atmospheric circulation. The formation of trade wind belt is also caused by the atmospheric circulation

The book says that "the high temperature in the equatorial region forms a rising warm air flow. The rising warm air stays under the action of pressure gradient force and flows northward from the equator to the Arctic..."
I'm thinking, the equator is a low pressure, how can the air flow from the equator to the North under the action of pressure gradient force? Isn't the effect of pressure gradient force from high pressure to low pressure? It seems very contradictory

The equator is a belt of low pressure, which means that the earth's surface is low pressure
Reason: the surface temperature near the equator is high, the gas is heated and rises, the gas on the surface is less, and the pressure is naturally low. On the contrary, because the gas rises, a large amount of gas is accumulated above the equator, so the pressure is relatively high. Because of the opposite principle, the pressure above the polar is low, so the phenomenon described in the book appears

What is the geographical significance of atmospheric circulation?

I am a senior three liberal arts student about to take the college entrance examination. These are all highly summarized terms of geography. The latest regulations of the college entrance examination are that the language answers are relatively scattered, there are no terms of subjects, and no points are given at all. Answering your questions is actually training my ability of geography for this year's college entrance examination

Please analyze the characteristics of flood disaster distribution in China from the aspects of sea and land location, atmospheric circulation, topography, etc
Geography and natural disasters

Temporal and spatial distribution: more in the south, less in the north, more in the East and less in the West
Time distribution: more in summer and autumn, less in winter
More distributed in the river, the lower reaches, low-lying land
Most floods and rainstorms in China are caused by monsoon climate in eastern China, rainstorms caused by frontal rain belt and tropical cyclone in summer, and the part of the continent near the Northwest Pacific is often affected by typhoon