How to calculate the conversion power and mechanical power? How to calculate the motor energy conversion power η and the motor output mechanical power p?

How to calculate the conversion power and mechanical power? How to calculate the motor energy conversion power η and the motor output mechanical power p?

Please note noun: energy conversion efficiency of motor: because the electric energy consumed by motor is mainly converted into mechanical energy, and part of it is converted into internal energy, so the energy conversion efficiency is η = w useful / W total = (W total - Q) / W total. Here, because it is not a pure resistance circuit, the total electric energy consumed is w total = uit, and the energy converted into internal energy is q = i2rt

Problems of physical mechanical power
The material weight of a certain transport is 765n, and the lifting height is about 10m. The pulling force used by people is 450N. The useful work done by the pulley block is calculated. 2. The mechanical efficiency of the pulley block
Note: it's the kind with two strands of rope sharing the gravity in the direction of the force of the upper fixed pulley and the lower movable pulley

Active 765 * 10 = 7650j
Total power 450 * 2 * 10 = 9000j
Efficiency 7650 / 9000 = 85%