The concept of balanced budget multiplier What is a balanced budget multiplier?

The concept of balanced budget multiplier What is a balanced budget multiplier?

Balanced budget multiplier means that when the government increases expenditure, it increases the same amount of tax correspondingly. That is to say, when the increase of government tax is equal to the increase of government purchase, it is called budget balance

The leaves of plants can carry out photosynthesis, () action, and () action

It's photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration

The leaves of plants have the function of photosynthesis and () which can produce () and release ()

carbon dioxide

What is the meaning of "starvation treatment" and "de greening treatment" in biological photosynthesis experiment? What is the effect?
Also, what are 2D and 3D?

This experiment is a famous experiment done by biologist Sax in the 19th century. Starvation treatment refers to placing plants in the dark for one or several days (depending on the specific plant), in order to consume the starch and other organic substances stored in the plant, so as to serve as a control for the starch production of plants under light