Please describe the basic content of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, and analyze and evaluate it

Please describe the basic content of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, and analyze and evaluate it

Need hierarchy theory is an important theory to explain personality and motivation. It puts forward that motivation is the internal driving force of individual growth

7. Briefly describe Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory and its evaluation?
On Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory and its evaluation?

The theory of hierarchy of needs is a theory about the structure of human needs put forward by American psychologist A. h. Maslow in 1943
1. Human beings are mainly driven by the desire to meet certain needs of animals. Human needs are endless, when individuals meet a need, there will be another demand
2. The needs pursued by human beings are universal, and they can be divided into different levels
Therefore, masno divides human needs into five levels, which are from low to high
1. Physiological needs are the basic needs of individual survival, such as eating, drinking and living
2. Security needs, including psychological and material security, such as protection from theft, prevention of dangerous accidents, occupational security, social insurance and retirement fund
3. Social needs, people are a member of society, need friendship and group sense of belonging, interpersonal needs mutual sympathy, mutual assistance and praise
4. Respect needs, including being respected by others and having inner self-esteem
5. The need of self actualization refers to realizing one's expectation of life through one's own efforts, so that one can really feel meaningful in life and work
Among them, physiological needs are the basic needs to maintain human survival, and are the most primitive and basic needs of human beings, such as clothing, food, housing, transportation and sex. After the physiological needs are met, people will have safety needs, such as avoiding occupational diseases and accidents, putting off the threat of unemployment and some social security needs, The need for respect can be divided into internal respect and external respect. The former refers to the need for strength, while the latter refers to the need for status and prestige. The need for self realization is the highest need of an individual, which requires the realization of personal ambition and the display of talents. Maslow believes that the above five needs are gradually rising in order. After the needs of the next level are met, the need for self realization is the highest, The pursuit of a higher level of needs becomes the driving force of action
That's all I know. I hope I can help you~

What is the main content of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory