Briefly describe and evaluate Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory?

Briefly describe and evaluate Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory?

A brief comment on the positive significance of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory: this theory systematically explores the essence, structure and law of occurrence and development of needs. It not only has a positive significance for the establishment of scientific theory of needs, but also has an important impact on the practice of management and education

A brief introduction to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory and its importance

The following information is reproduced for reference
The importance of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory in market management
Maslow's theory divides the needs into five categories: physiological needs, security needs, social needs, respect needs and self realization needs, from the lower level to the higher level in turn. From the perspective of CS strategy of enterprise management, consumers at each demand level have different requirements for products, That is, different products meet different levels of demand. The marketing method is based on the needs of consumers, and different needs produce different marketing means
According to the five demand levels, five consumer markets can be divided
1. Physiological demand to meet the lowest demand level of the market, consumers only require the product to have general functions
2. Safety needs → meet the market with "safety" requirements, and consumers pay attention to the impact of products on the body
3. Social needs → to meet the needs of "communication" in the market, consumers pay attention to whether the product helps to improve their communication image
4. Respect demand → meet the market with different requirements for products, and consumers pay attention to the symbolic meaning of products
5. Self realization → satisfy the market with its own judgment standard for products, and consumers have their own fixed brand
In economics, "the price consumers are willing to pay ≌ the satisfaction consumers get", that is to say, the higher the demand level of the same washing powder, the higher the price consumers can accept, Consumers can not feel other levels of "satisfaction", willing to pay the price of course low
This division is based on the fact that products meet different levels of demand. The higher the income of consumers, the higher the level they can reach. Take washing powder as an example
1. "Physiological demand" consumers pay attention to "the product is indeed washing powder", and choose the cheapest washing powder
2. "Safety demand" consumers pay attention to "good quality of washing powder"
3. "Social needs" consumers pay attention to "the impact of products on communication", such as exquisite packaging, flavoring, flexibility and other additional functions, as well as the brand image can make consumers willing to pay higher prices
4. "Respect demand" consumers are concerned about "gaining recognition from others" and regard the product as a sign of identity. The best technology, special barrel, unique function and even the highest price are the reasons for their choice
5. "Self actualization" consumers have all kinds of needs at 1-4 levels. Their understanding of washing powder has changed into the influence of a certain brand on their life, and they recognize a certain brand in spirit. That is to say, the brand spirit of washing powder has a great influence on their choice
In the low-end market, "physiological demand" takes price as the fulcrum. The competition in this market is the most fierce, and the profit is also very thin. The product only needs to have the most basic function, and the characteristic is cheap. Because the profit is very low, many enterprises give up this market. Then, the famous saying of "small profit but quick turnover" proves that this market can be successful, The "rural marketing strategy" of Hualong instant noodles is a typical successful example. Hualong has simplified the packaging and seasoning bag, and established itself in the rural market at a low price of 0.6 yuan. After three or four years of development, this unknown small enterprise has sprung up, The annual production capacity has increased from 1600 tons to 160000 tons; the average monthly sales revenue has increased from 580000 yuan to more than 340 million yuan; the fixed assets has soared from 2.18 million yuan to 250 million yuan; it ranks the third after "Master Kang" and "Tongyi"
Obviously, for the most low-end consumers who want to meet their "physiological needs", they buy instant noodles to fill their stomachs, so "light proof" packaging and flavoring bags with good taste can't be the focus of their attention. On the contrary, Hualong noodles are easy to be welcomed because of its cheap price and no problem
In the middle end market, "safety demand" takes product quality as the appeal point. Fujian MINMENG mattress uses roller products to prove the quality in its advertisement. Such product appeal point can easily be recognized by consumers in the secondary and tertiary markets. The "drinking paint" event planned by Beijing Fuya coatings is also due to consumers' consideration of "safety" demand, The success of this marketing method is proved when consumers call their names to buy "the paint they can drink". Because this marketing method meets the second level needs of consumers, it will lead to the situation that enterprises can't go up and down in the whole industry in terms of operation, but to change the situation, we need to break through to the high end, The usual way out is to set up another brand. Hualong noodle has launched "jinmailang" elastic noodle in large and medium-sized cities. The packaging, taste and product characteristics have made breakthroughs on the basis of quality, and "Zhang Weijian" has also been employed as the image spokesman. These strategies have risen to the third level or even higher
In the middle and high-end market, "social demand" takes "social recognition" as the appeal point. The Nokia advertisement of "every blink of an eye, the world sells four Nokia mobile phones" expresses people's recognition of Nokia mobile phones all over the world, which is also the third level marketing strategy, Some manufacturers are keen to publicize "sales volume first" and "domestic brand first" based on this level of advertising strategy. In the notebook computer market, although most domestic notebook computers advocate personalization and fashion (the third level of communication needs), due to quality problems and price war (the first level), consumer satisfaction is always low, Therefore, in the competition, the lower the price, the lower the profit. But IBM has positioned the notebook computer as a business. The identity of IBM notebook computer and business people is integrated. In order to reflect their identity in communication, business people choose IBM notebook computer
In the high-end market, we should "respect demand" and seize the market with the combination of "price & quality". In order to enter this market, we need high price first, and then quality assurance. High price is the most direct factor to attract consumers' attention, followed by quality. The reason why BMW and Mercedes Benz have high brand value is that they all have the most high-end products, The best shape and performance make them become the symbol of the rich. For ordinary consumers, the high price makes them have "respect". Therefore, any business enterprise, if it seizes the highest end of the market, it can produce a strong brand appeal. Because of the dark blue computer, IBM makes the world think that IBM's computer is the best, This is the most classic high-end marketing case
Aiming at the "self actualization demand", that is, consumers who are loyal to the brand, enterprises should not only give a certain return, but also improve services, and obtain consumers' satisfaction with the brand connotation. The connotation of the brand needs to be changed according to the changes of the market, such as the transformation of McDonald's "I'm love in it" brand strategy, Through the long-term interaction between enterprises and consumers, consumers will form a certain degree of loyalty to the enterprise brand. This kind of consumers come from all levels, and they are also the group that enterprises need to pay attention to most, At the same time, they often affect the surrounding consumers' cognition of Angel brand. No enterprise can ignore these loyal consumers, so the attention to "old customers" is a marketing link that any enterprise needs to pay attention to
Many enterprises have begun to cultivate brand loyalty from children. For example, Nike gives children the impression that wearing the Nike brand marks maturity and growth, so children will be very willing to buy a pair of Nike shoes when they grow up. At the same time, Nike is also a kind of sports spirit, and Nike is a good combination of sports. In China, there are many fake Nike shoes, but Nike does not fight against counterfeiting, Because sportsmanship is true, if consumers have the ability to pay, Nike firmly believes that consumers will buy real Nike
Market competition is ever-changing, but the needs of consumers are unchanged, only five categories. CS strategy requires to improve consumer satisfaction, enterprises must know which levels of consumer needs their products meet according to the specific situation of the market, and then they can make targeted marketing strategies to effectively improve consumer satisfaction
The importance of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory in enterprise management
Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory is the most well-known theory of motivation. He believes that everyone has five levels of needs: 1. Physiological needs, including food, water, shelter, sex and other physical needs; 2. Safety needs, the need to protect oneself from physical and emotional harm, while ensuring that physiological needs can be continuously met; 3. Social needs, It includes the needs of love, belonging, acceptance and friendship; 4. The needs of respect, the internal factors of respect include self-esteem, autonomy and sense of achievement, and the external factors of respect include status, identity and attention; 5. The needs of self realization, growth and development, exerting one's potential and realizing one's ideas
In terms of motivation, Maslow pointed out that each need level must be met in essence before the next goal can be activated. At the same time, once the needs of a certain level are met in essence, it will no longer have an incentive effect. In other words, when a need is met, the next level will become the dominant need
The practical significance of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory is as follows
1. If you want to motivate someone, you have to know what level of needs the person is currently at, and focus on meeting the needs at or above that level. If managers are trying to change their organization or management activities, they have to meet the needs of employees
2. Among the five kinds of needs, physiological needs and security needs are lower level needs, while social needs, respect needs and self realization needs are higher level needs. Higher level needs satisfy people internally, while lower level needs mainly satisfy people externally
3. For example, for lower level employees, material rewards may have more incentive effect, while for higher level employees, such as senior professionals and managers, the sense of responsibility and achievement of work may have more incentive effect

The defects of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory?