English translation 1. How many levels of English do you need to test to be a translator? Do you have to be eloquent? 3. What are the types of English translation? 4. Is there a big competition for English translation in China now? (I'm only 17, but I want to set goals and figure out how to go in the future, so I really want to know.) By the way, how many levels do you need to be qualified and to what extent do you need to be a professional translator Don't say I'm unpatriotic, forced by life

English translation 1. How many levels of English do you need to test to be a translator? Do you have to be eloquent? 3. What are the types of English translation? 4. Is there a big competition for English translation in China now? (I'm only 17, but I want to set goals and figure out how to go in the future, so I really want to know.) By the way, how many levels do you need to be qualified and to what extent do you need to be a professional translator Don't say I'm unpatriotic, forced by life

I'm not sure whether you want to be an interpreter or a translator?
Interpreting requires good dictation, extensive knowledge and solid English foundation. The ability of listening and speaking should be particularly outstanding, and then good psychological quality and reaction are also required. Finally, a little personal image is needed, too ugly is
The basic skills of English are also indispensable in translation. Secondly, the mastery of grammar and vocabulary in English and Chinese should be paid special attention. Literary translation needs to have good bilingual attainments, while professional translation needs to master a large and professional vocabulary
Generally speaking, English translation is divided into interpretation and translation
There is a special translation test for English translation. It is suggested that you apply for the test after you have been admitted to a foreign language college
At present, there are still many English translators in China, but few of them can achieve simultaneous interpretation, and there are only a thousand people in China. If they can achieve this level, they will be very advanced

What are the requirements for a qualified English translator

1) First of all, we should have a solid foundation in English
2) At the same time, we should have relevant professional knowledge. Without professional knowledge, we can't do a good translation
3) To have a good Chinese foundation, in order to understand the content accurately expressed
4) To have the spirit of continuous learning and enterprising, the level of English translation is endless
5) We should have the spirit of being willing to contribute silently, because translation is the work of making clothes for people
6) To have a down-to-earth spirit of work, because the translation work for a long time is relatively boring

English translation
For example, what certificate and test do you need

Degree is not required standard, qualification certificate is very important, minimum also want two, the rest more good
In fact, certificate is not the key. The key is the comprehensive basic skills of English. On this basis, both interpretation and translation can basically achieve "faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance"
When I used to recruit English translators, the interview was very simple:
1. Talk with me in English for half an hour
2. Two business letters / contracts, half an hour
After that, I can make a decision on employment
There are a lot of people with level 2 or 3 certificates in the market, just like those with level 6 Certificate in University. Even those with interpretation certificate can't find a job. Can certificate do it alone? The important thing is that mules are led by horses. The great man said that practice is the only standard to test truth. To know the taste of pear, you have to taste it yourself

English translation

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