Wiener's explanation of "information"

Wiener's explanation of "information"

Information is information, not matter or energy

How many times has Wiener's cybernetics been quoted?
Our father, Mr. Wiener

In 1948, Norbert Wiener founded cybernetics. The word "Cybernetics" comes from Greek and is willing to take the helm. It includes regulation, manipulation, management, command and supervision. The origin of cybernetics can be traced back to the influence of automatic machines and social management in ancient and modern times, Has there been any influence of philosophical thought? "Wiener replied," there is a philosopher who, if he lives to this day, will undoubtedly study cybernetics. This person is Leibniz. "The most direct ideological foundation of cybernetics comes from automatic machines, especially automatic machines with logical reasoning functions similar to human brains. To make machines think, we need to study the laws of thinking, About two thousand years ago, Aristotle, an ancient Greek scholar, laid a solid foundation for formal logic. Among them, syllogism is a typical representative of formal logic. Syllogism is the logical form of natural language. For automatic machines, a better logical form should be expressed in mathematical language, This is mathematical logic. Mathematical logic is the interdisciplinary science of mathematics and philosophy. Mathematical logic is just the theme of Dr. Wiener's dissertation. In a sense, Leibniz, a famous German mathematician and philosopher, was the first to study mathematical logic. As early as the 17th century, Leibniz tried to establish a logical reasoning system in mathematical form, In 1697, Leibniz obtained the book of changes from Bai Jin, a Jesuit priest. Bai Jin was once a French missionary in China's Palace during the reign of Emperor Kangxi. After Bai Jin returned to Europe, he systematically introduced to Leibniz ancient Chinese philosophy. Leibniz studied the "circle orientation diagram and 64 hexagram sequence diagram" in the book of changes, In the first issue of Volume 4 of Leibniz's complete works, Leibniz wrote a long letter to his friends, among which there is a discussion on the book of changes. Some people think that "the direct ancestor of cybernetics is Leibniz of Europe, and its philosophical basis comes from the book of changes.", The most direct cause of cybernetics is the development and progress of modern science and technology since the 1920s and 1930s. Among them, the progress of mathematics, biology, neurophysiology, psychology, linguistics and other disciplines has laid a theoretical foundation for the emergence of cybernetics; while automatic device, radio communication, etc, In particular, the development of radar laid a technical foundation for the emergence of cybernetics. Modern industry is the driving force for the emergence of cybernetics. At the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century, Watt invented the steam engine. In the speed regulation and control of steam engine, negative feedback played an important role, which produced the spark of cybernetics, Governor is a mechanical device, but it is also an automatic detection device and automatic computing device. The birth of cybernetics has its profound historical and social background, People always regard Wiener as the father of cybernetics. It is Wiener's cybernetics that opens up a new subject in the true sense. Even the name of cybernetics is creative

What are black box theory, gray box theory and white box theory?
The degree of supplier involvement in product development

The so-called white box is a system whose mechanism and structure are fully understood, just as the television is a "white box" to the inventor and manufacturer of television. The so-called gray box is a system whose structure and mechanism are fully understood, but not fully understood. For example, the television is a "gray box" to an unskilled repairer

The principle of optical black box in physics how to make an optical black box is a little simpler,
It's not difficult to write down the steps, as long as you can do it and use the optical black box principle

In reality, it is basically impossible
But in our textbook, we put a rough material (foam plastic, etc.) inside an inner shell, and open a small mouth. After the light hits it, it can be absorbed by many times as a black box.