Characteristics of world climate distribution

Characteristics of world climate distribution

Climate name, characteristics, causes and distribution
Tropical rain forest climate - high temperature and rainy all year round
It is affected by the equatorial low pressure zone all the year round
Near the equator, between North and South latitudes 10 degrees
Savannah climate - dry and wet seasons
It is controlled alternately by equatorial low pressure belt and subtropical high
Latitude 10-20 degrees, west coast of the mainland
Tropical desert climate - high temperature and dry all year round
Affected by subtropical high all year round
North south latitude 20-30 degrees, west coast of the mainland
Mediterranean climate - hot and dry in summer, mild and rainy in winter
It is controlled alternately by westerly belt and subtropical high
30-40 degrees north-south latitude, west coast of the mainland
Temperate marine climate - mild and rainy throughout the year
Affected by westerly belt all year round (warming and humidifying effect of warm current)
Latitude 40-60 degrees, west coast of the mainland
Tropical monsoon climate - high temperature and rainy in summer, high temperature and less rain in winter, divided into two seasons of rain and drought
The difference of thermal properties between land and sea, (south subtropical monsoon, origin plus seasonal movement of pressure belt and wind belt)
North south latitude 15-25 degrees, east coast of the mainland
Subtropical monsoon climate - high temperature and rainy in summer, mild and rainy in winter
Difference of thermal properties between land and sea
Latitude 25-35, east coast of the mainland
Temperate monsoon climate - high temperature and rainy in summer, cold and dry in winter
Difference of thermal properties between land and sea
Latitude 35-55 degrees, east coast of the mainland
Temperate continental climate - mild and less rain in summer, cold and dry in winter
Inside the temperate continent, far from the ocean
Polar climate - low temperature throughout the year, less precipitation
The tundra zone is mainly along the coast of the Arctic Ocean, and the ice sheet zone is in the Antarctic continent and Greenland
Mountain climate - with the increase of altitude, the temperature decreases and the precipitation changes

Distribution and basic characteristics of main climate types in the world

1. Tropical rain forest climate tropical rain forest climate (also known as equatorial rain forest climate) is characterized by high temperature and rainy throughout the year. It is located on both sides of the equator of various continents, extending 5 ° to 10 ° South and North, such as the Amazon plain in South America, Congo Basin and Gulf of Guinea coast in Africa, some islands in Southeast Asia, etc

What are the distribution and characteristics of climate types in the world?

Main climate types in the world
The climate in the world can be divided into the following 11 types
1. Tropical rain forest climate is mainly distributed near the equator, such as the Malay islands, the Amazon plain, the Congo Basin and the coast of the Gulf of Guinea. It is characterized by high temperature and rainy throughout the year, small annual temperature range, monthly average temperature between 25 ℃ and 28 ℃, annual precipitation more than 2000 mm, and the annual distribution is relatively uniform
2. The climate of the tropical grassland is mainly distributed in the north and south sides of the tropical rainforest climate zone, where the annual average temperature is high, but the annual temperature range is slightly larger than that of the tropical rainforest climate. The annual precipitation is mostly between 400-1500 mm, and there are obvious dry and wet seasons. The farther away from the equator, the longer the dry season, so the less the precipitation
3. The tropical monsoon climate is distributed in South Asia and Indochina Peninsula. It is characterized by high temperature throughout the year, and the average temperature of the coldest month is above 18 ℃. The precipitation is closely related to the wind direction. The northeast wind from the mainland prevails in winter with less precipitation, while the Southwest wind from the Indian Ocean prevails in summer with abundant precipitation. The annual precipitation in most areas is 1500-2000mm, but in some areas it is much more than that
4. Tropical desert climate is distributed in the interior of the continent or the West Bank of the continent near the Tropic of cancer. It is characterized by high annual average temperature, large annual temperature difference, larger daily temperature difference, and less precipitation. The annual precipitation is generally less than 250 mm. In many areas, it is only tens of mm or even several millimeters. The precipitation variability is very large, and it often does not rain for several consecutive years
5. The subtropical monsoon climate is distributed in the subtropical area on the east coast of the mainland, where the winter is not cold, the average temperature in January is generally above 0 ℃, the summer is hot, the average temperature in July is generally about 25 ℃, the wind direction in winter and summer has obvious changes, the annual precipitation is generally more than 1000 mm, mainly concentrated in summer, less in winter, Due to a considerable amount of precipitation in winter, there is little difference between dry and wet in winter and summer
6. The Mediterranean climate is distributed in the subtropical area on the west coast of the mainland, and the Mediterranean coastal area is the most typical, so it is named. This kind of climate is characterized by mild winter, hot or warm summer, precipitation is mainly concentrated in winter, and dry summer, so it is also called subtropical dry summer climate
7. The temperate marine climate is distributed in the temperate zone of the west coast of the mainland. It is characterized by not cold in winter (the average temperature in January is above 0 ℃) and not hot in summer (the average temperature in July is below 22 ℃). There is precipitation throughout the year. The annual precipitation is generally about 1000 mm, and it can reach more than 2000 mm or more where the terrain is favorable
8. The temperate monsoon climate is distributed in the east of Qinling Mountains and Huaihe River, the north of Korea and Japan, and the east coast of Siberia. It is characterized by warm summer and cold winter with annual precipitation of 500-1000mm, mainly concentrated in summer. The temperature difference between winter and summer increases from south to North, and the precipitation decreases from south to north
9. The temperate continental climate is distributed in the Eurasian continent and the North American continent. Under the control of the continental air mass, it is cold in winter and hot in summer, with large annual temperature range and less precipitation. The annual precipitation is less than 500mm, forming a dry or semi-dry climate in the central part of the continent. However, in the northern part of the continent, it is cold and long in winter, cool and short in summer, with less evaporation and less precipitation, But it is not dry, forming a special sub - cold coniferous forest climate
10. Polar climate is distributed in the northern margin of Eurasia and North America, Greenland, Arctic islands and Antarctica. In the continental margin, winter is long and cold, but the average temperature of the hottest month in summer can reach 10 ℃. Moss and lichen are typical plants here, so they are also called tundra climate, Under the snow cover all year round, the average temperature of the hottest month does not exceed 0 ℃, so it is called ice sheet climate
11. Alpine climate may occur at any latitude, characterized by vertical changes in temperature and precipitation. The temperature decreases with the increase of altitude, and the precipitation increases with the increase of altitude within a certain altitude range, and decreases with the increase of altitude beyond this altitude

The causes of eleven climate types are mainly distributed in different regions
for example
Temperate monsoon climate
The causes are as follows
Distribution area:

Tropical rainforest climate
Distribution: on both sides of the equator (about 10 degrees north and south latitude)
Cause of formation: it is controlled by the equatorial low pressure belt all the year round and shows updraft
Features: high temperature and rainy all year round
2. Tropical grassland climate
Distribution law: tropical rain forest climate on both sides of the north and south latitude 10-20 degrees
Cause of formation: it is controlled alternately by equatorial low pressure belt and trade wind belt
Features: high temperature all year round, with obvious dry and wet seasons. It is muggy and rainy when controlled by equatorial low pressure belt, and dry and less rainy when controlled by trade wind belt
3. Tropical desert climate
Distribution law: roughly in the vicinity of Tropic of cancer (20-30 degrees) inland or the west coast of the mainland
Genesis: controlled by subtropical high pressure belt and trade wind belt all year round
Features: high temperature, little rain and drought all year round
4 tropical monsoon climate
Distribution pattern: South Asia and Southeast Asia (10-25 degrees on the east coast of the mainland)
The cause of formation: the huge thermal difference between land and sea, and the seasonal movement of the position of pressure belt and wind belt
Features: high temperature throughout the year, dry season and rainy season
5 Mediterranean climate
Distribution pattern: 30-40 degrees on the west coast of the continent (the Mediterranean is the most typical)
Causes: subtropical high pressure in summer and westerly belt in winter
Features: dry and hot in summer, mild and humid in winter
6 subtropical monsoon climate and subtropical humid climate
Distribution pattern: east coast of subtropical continent (25-35 degrees)
Cause: huge thermal difference between sea and land
Features: Hot rain in the same period, hot and rainy in summer, mild and less rain in winter
7 temperate marine climate
Distribution pattern: 40-60 degrees north-south latitude, west coast of the mainland
Cause of formation: controlled by westerlies all year round
Features: no severe heat in summer, no severe cold in winter, even precipitation. Slightly more in winter, annual temperature change is small
8 temperate continental climate
Distribution pattern: inland areas of Eurasia and North America (40-60 degrees)
Cause: far away from the ocean, little affected by the ocean
Features: drought and less rain, cold winter, hot summer, annual temperature changes
9 temperate monsoon climate
Distribution pattern: East Asia (35-60 degrees)
Cause: huge thermal difference between sea and land
Features: hot and rainy in the same period, warm and rainy in summer, cold and dry in winter, annual temperature changes greatly
Climate of coniferous forest in sub frigid zone
Distribution law: 50-70 degrees north latitude, mainly in the north of Eurasia and North America
Cause: high latitude
Features: long and cold winter, short and warm summer, less precipitation concentrated in summer
11 polar climate
Distribution: along the Arctic Ocean and Antarctica
Cause: high latitude
Features: winter all year round, cold and less rain
12 plateau mountain climate
Distribution: high altitude plateau and mountain
Cause: high altitude
Features: the temperature is lower than that in tonglatitudes, and the climate changes vertically