Distribution and characteristics of global climate types,

Distribution and characteristics of global climate types,

(1) Tropical rain forest climate
It is located on both sides of the equator of each continent, extending about 5 ° to 10 ° to the South and North, such as the Amazon plain in South America, Congo Basin and Gulf of Guinea in Africa, some islands in Southeast Asia, etc. these areas are located in the equatorial low pressure zone, where the upward movement of air flow is dominant, and there are many opportunities for water vapor condensation to cause rain. It is rainy throughout the year, without dry season, and the annual precipitation is more than 2000 mm, The minimum monthly precipitation is more than 60 mm, and there are many thunderstorms; the average temperature of each month is 25 ° to 28 ℃, the whole year is long summer, no seasonal change, the annual range is generally less than 3 ℃, and the average daily range can reach 6 ° to 12 ℃. In this climate condition of high temperature and rainy all year round, plants can grow all the year round, with many tree species and dense vegetation
(2) Tropical grassland climate
This climate is mainly distributed on both sides of the equatorial rainy climate zone, namely, Central America, South America and Africa at about 5 ° to 15 ° South and North latitudes (some extend as far as 25 °). Its main characteristics are as follows: firstly, due to the North-South movement and alternating influence of the equatorial low pressure zone and trade wind zone, the dry and wet seasons are distinct in a year, Under the influence of trade wind, tropical continental air mass prevails, dry and rainless, resulting in dry season. The soil is dry and cracked, the grass is withered and yellow, and the trees are deciduous. Compared with the equatorial rainy climate, there are at least one to two months of dry season in a year, It has the characteristics of low latitude and high temperature. The average temperature of the coldest month is above 16 ° to 18 ℃. The hottest month occurs after the dry season and before the rainy season. Therefore, the climate in this area is generally divided into three seasons: dry, hot and rainy. The annual temperature range is slightly larger than that in the equatorial rainy climate area
(3) Tropical desert climate
It is mainly distributed in northern Africa, southwest Asia and central and Western Australia. The tropical arid climate zone is controlled by subtropical high pressure and trade wind all the year round. Tropical continental air mass prevails and air flow sinks, so hot and dry become the main characteristics of this climate, It is known as the "hot pole" in the world. The annual rainfall is less than 200 mm, and the rate of variation is very large, even without rain for many years. The strong sunshine and strong evaporation make the climate more dry. The tropical semi-arid climate is distributed in the outer edge of the tropical arid climate zone, and its main characteristics are as follows: first, there is a short rainy season, The annual precipitation can be increased to 500 mm; second, the temperature in the high latitude side is not as high as that in the low latitude side
(4) Tropical monsoon climate
It is mainly distributed in southern Taiwan, Leizhou Peninsula, Hainan Island, most parts of Indochina Peninsula, Indian peninsula and Philippine archipelago. In addition, it is also distributed in the northern coastal area of the Australian mainland. The annual average temperature is above 20 ℃, and the coldest month is generally above 18 ℃, The reason is that in summer, under the control of the equatorial ocean air mass, there is more convective rain, and the passage of tropical cyclones brings a lot of precipitation, resulting in more summer rain than the tropical dry and wet seasons. In some windward coasts, the summer precipitation even exceeds the equatorial rainy climates due to the topography. The annual precipitation is generally more than 1500-2000 mm, In the northern hemisphere, the northeast wind blows in winter, forming dry season; in summer, the southwest wind from the Indian Ocean (northwest wind in the southern hemisphere), rich in water vapor and concentrated precipitation, forming warm season
(5) Tropical marine climate
It occurs on the east coast of the continent and some islands in the tropical ocean in the trade wind zone of 10 ° to 25 ° north latitude, such as the Caribbean coast of Central America, the West Indies, the narrow strip along the east coast of the Brazilian plateau in South America, the east coast of Madagascar in Africa, the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean and the coastal zone of Queensland in Australia The annual and daily temperature ranges are small, but the average temperature of the coldest month is slightly lower than that of the equator, and the annual range is slightly larger than that of the equatorial rainy climate. The annual precipitation is generally more than 2, 000 mm, and the seasonal distribution is relatively uniform
(6) Temperate marine climate
It is located in the west coast of the mainland, 40 ° to 60 ° south latitude and north latitude. It is in the westerly belt all the year round and is deeply affected by the ocean air mass. There is warm current along the coast. There is no severe cold in winter and no severe heat in summer. The average temperature of the coldest month is above 0 ℃, and the hottest month is below 22 ℃. The annual and daily temperature range is small. There is precipitation all the year round, more in autumn and winter, and the annual precipitation is more than 1000 mm, This kind of climate is the most typical in Western Europe, with the largest distribution area. It is also distributed in the corresponding latitudes of the west coast of South and North America, as well as Tasmania and New Zealand in Oceania
(7) Mediterranean climate
It is located on the west coast of the continent in the subtropical latitude, about 30 ° to 40 ° latitude, including the Mediterranean coast, the California coast of the United States, the central coast of Chile in South America, the southern tip of South Africa and the southern tip of Australia, In summer, it is controlled by subtropical high pressure and the air flow sinks. Therefore, in addition to the influence of cold current on the western coast of the mainland, the temperature in summer is very hot and the sinking air flow is disadvantageous to cause clouds and rain, so the climate is dry; in winter, it is mild and humid under the influence of westerly wind. The annual rainfall is moderate, ranging from 300 mm to 1000 mm, mainly in winter
(8) Temperate monsoon climate
It occurs on the east coast of the Eurasian continent at about 35 ° to 55 ° n, including North and Northeast China, most of Korea, northern Japan and part of the Far East of the Soviet Union. In winter, it is affected by the high latitude inland northerly wind, and the polar continental air mass prevails, which is cold and dry; in summer, it is affected by the polar ocean air mass or the subtropical ocean air mass, which is warm, hot and rainy, The annual precipitation is about 1000 mm, about two-thirds of which is concentrated in summer. The four seasons are distinct and the weather is changeable. With the increase of latitude, the temperature range of winter and summer increases correspondingly, while the precipitation decreases gradually
(9) Subtropical monsoon climate
It occurs on the east coast of the subtropical continent at 25 ° to 35 ° n. It is a zone in which the tropical ocean air mass and the polar continental air mass alternately control and compete with each other. It is mainly distributed in the south of Qinling Huaihe River and the north of tropical monsoon climate type in eastern China, as well as in the south of Japan and the south of Korean Peninsula, The average temperature of the hottest month is more than 22 ℃, and the seasonal variation of temperature is significant, with four distinct seasons. The annual precipitation is generally 1000-1500 mm, more in summer, but no obvious dry season. Compared with the temperate monsoon climate, the seasonal variation is basically similar, but the winter temperature is higher, and the annual precipitation is increased
(10) Temperate continental humid climate
It is distributed in the east of North America (east of 100 ° w longitude) and the east of Eurasia temperate marine climate zone between 35 ° N and 55 ° n. The change of temperature and precipitation is similar to that of temperate monsoon climate, but the seasonal change of wind direction and wind force is not as obvious as that of temperate monsoon climate, However, the concentration of summer rain is not as significant as the temperate monsoon climate, and the non periodic change of weather is also very large
(11) Subtropical humid climate
They are distributed along the Atlantic coast and Gulf of Mexico coast of 25 ° to 35 ° n in the east of North America, the south of Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil in South America, the southeast coast of Africa and the east coast of Australia. From the latitude position and sea land position, they are similar to the subtropical monsoon climate zone of East Asia, but because of the small continental area, The climate here is similar to the subtropical monsoon climate, but the difference is that the temperature difference between winter and summer is small, and the distribution of precipitation is relatively uniform
(12) Temperate continental climate
(including temperate desert climate and temperate grassland climate). This climate occupies a large area in the northern hemisphere, mainly distributed in the central part of Asia and North America at 35 ° to 50 ° north latitude. It is deep inland or coastal, with high mountains and plateaus, not affected by sea breeze. It is a polar continental air mass all year round, cold in winter and hot in summer, with large annual and daily temperature range and less precipitation, In addition, due to the different latitudes, the central and southern part of Argentina in the South American continent is located in the rain shadow area of the westerly belt, and the airflow from the Pacific Ocean sinks over the Andes, resulting in adiabatic warming. In addition, there are cold currents along the coast, and the air is stable, so it is dry and rainless all year round, Because of the different degree of drought, there are obvious differences in natural vegetation in the above areas. In arid areas, the annual precipitation is generally less than 250 mm, with few plants, showing desert scenery; in the periphery of the arid area, the annual precipitation is between 250-500 mm, which is a semi-arid area
(13) Continental climate in sub frigid zone
This climate occurs between 50 ° N and 65 ° n in a zonal distribution across North America and Eurasia. Specifically, in North America, it extends from Alaska through Canada to most parts of Labrador and Newfoundland; in Eurasia, it starts from Scandinavia (except the South), The climate in this area is mainly affected by polar ocean air mass and polar continental air mass, and is the source of polar continental air mass. In winter, there are many opportunities for Arctic air mass to invade; in warm season, there are many opportunities for Arctic air mass to invade, The main characteristics of this kind of climate are as follows: long and cold winter, with an average temperature below 0 ℃ for 5-7 months every year, and frequent severe cold weather of - 50 ℃; short and warm summer, with monthly average temperature above 10 ℃, the highest can reach 18 ° to 20 ℃; the annual temperature range is particularly large; the annual precipitation is generally 300-600mm, Mainly in summer. Due to weak evaporation, the relative humidity is very high
(14) Polar long cold climate
It is distributed in the northern margin of North America and Eurasia (the 10 ℃ isotherm of the hottest month in the south connects with the continental climate of the sub frigid zone), a part of the coast of Greenland and some islands in the Arctic Ocean; in the southern hemisphere, it is distributed in the Malvinas Islands, South Shetland Islands and South Orkney Islands, There are only 1-4 months in a year, the average monthly temperature is between 0 ° and 10 ℃, the winter is very cold and long; the annual precipitation is about 200-300 mm, mainly snow; there is a permafrost layer on the ground, only lichens, mosses and other low plants
(15) Polar ice sheet climate
It is distributed in the polar region and its adjacent areas, including Greenland, some islands in the Arctic Ocean and the ice plateau of the Antarctic continent. It is the birthplace of the ice ocean air mass and the Antarctic air mass. It is in the state of perpetual night in winter. Although it is a perpetual day in summer, the sunlight slants and the heat is weak. Therefore, the climate is very cold all year round, and the monthly temperature is below 0 ℃. The annual average temperature of the Antarctic continent is - 25 ℃, It is the coldest continent in the world. In 1967, Norwegians measured the absolute minimum temperature of - 94.5 ℃, which can be called the "cold pole" of the world. The ground is mostly covered with thick ice and snow, and there are many fierce storms, so it is difficult for plants to grow

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