Quick calculation, skillful calculation 123 × 37 × 273 You can't just count

Quick calculation, skillful calculation 123 × 37 × 273 You can't just count


A simple calculation method of 116 △ 16

=6 and 1 / 4 + 1
=7 and 1 / 4
I wish you progress in your study. If you don't understand, please ask. If you understand, please adopt it in time! (*^__ ^*)

A simple method to calculate
2. 0.625 × 7 and 1 / 2 + 5 / 8 × 2 and 1 / 2-62.5% × 2
⒋ 33333×66666
⒌ 2009×20012001-2001×20092009

1 =(14/7)*(15/3)*(48/16)=2*5*3=30
2 =5/8*(7.5+2.5-2)=5/8*8=5
3 =1000+999+999*999=1000+999*(999+1)=1000+999*1000=1000*(999+1)=1000000
4 =33333*3*22222=99999*22222=(100000-1)*22222=2222200000-22222=2222177778
5 =2009*(2001*10000+2001)-2001*(2009*1000+2009)=2001*2009*(10000+1-10000-1)=0

Simple algorithm of 368-123 + 501-98-177

PS: I hope my answer can help you ~ ~ ~ please accept my trust and affirmation

A simple method of 698-432 + 502-368


Calculation of 216 + 305 with simple method
Is this correct? The title requires simple calculation

This is correct
The best is: 216 + 305 = 200 + 16 + 300 + 5

Calculation of 214 × 215-213 × 216 by simple method

If you don't understand this question, you can ask,

How to calculate 318-139-39 and 354 - (154 + 72) with simple method

The first is: 300 + 18-130-9-30-9 = 300-160 = 140
The second is: 300 + 54-100-54-72 = 200-72 = 128

Simple operation (123.456 + 234.561 + 345.612 + 456.123 + 561.234 + 612.345) △ 7, 3Q

(123.456+234.561+345.612+456.123+561.234+612.345)÷7 =[(1+2+3+4+5+6)X(100+10+1+0.1+0.01+0.001)]÷7 =(21X111.111)÷7 =(21÷7)X111.111 =3X111.111 =333.333

123 times 3 / 2 minus 246 times 1 / 4
