238.75 divided by 0.25 equals 23875 divided by 25. According to what law

238.75 divided by 0.25 equals 23875 divided by 25. According to what law

The numerator and denominator are expanded 100 times at the same time, and the size of fraction remains unchanged

What is 3.75 divided by one third (expressed as a fraction)

3.75 divided by one third = 3.75x3 = (15 / 4) X3 = 45 / 4

In the fractions of 1 / 8, 35 / 34, 8 / 9, 2 / 17, 11 / 54, add the two fractions closest to 1 and 0, the sum is () and the denominator is a multiple of 3
The difference between the two scores is ()
Ah, pro, hurry up and offer a reward for wealth~~~~~~~~

In 1 / 8, 35 / 34, 8 / 9, 2 / 17, 11 / 54 fractions, add the two fractions closest to 1 and 0, sum is (39 / 34) and subtract the two fractions whose denominator is a multiple of 3, the difference is (37 / 54)

Simple calculation of 5.4 times nine tenths + 3.6 divided by one and one ninth + 0.9

5.4 × 0.9 + 3.6 / one and one ninth + 0.9 = 4.86 + 3.24 + 0.9 = 8.1 + 0.9 = 9

Calculation: [10.8-45 × (650% - 6.5)] / 54% 96% × 1 / 9 + 3% / 9 + 1 / 9 / 100

96% × 1 / 9 + 3% △ 9 + 1 / 9 △ 100
=96% × 1 / 9 + 3% × 1 / 9 + 1 / 9
=1 / 9 × (96% + 3% + 1%)
= 1 / 9 × 1
= 1 / 9

7 out of 13 times 20 + 7 out of 13 divided by 1 out of 6

7 out of 13 times 20 + 7 out of 13 divided by 1 out of 6
=7 / 13 × 20 + 7 / 13 × 6
=7 / 13 × (20 + 6)
=7 / 13 × 26

15 18 20 15 21 22 14 15 16 18 20 19 10 13 11 12 15 17 13 23

15 18 20 15 21 22 14 15 16 18 20 19 10 13 11 12 15 17 13 23
10 11 12 13 13 14 15 15 15 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 20 21 22 23
The middle two numbers are 15-16, so the median is 15.5

What is the median of 14 16 17 18 19 21

Median is the value in the middle after sorting the data. That is to say, the data is divided into two parts, one is greater than the value, the other is less than the value. The location of median: when the number of samples is odd, the median = the (n + 1) / 2 data; when the number of samples is even, the median is the arithmetic mean of the N / 2 data and the N / 2 + 1 data

The median of 19,17,17,16,15,14,12 is ()
Please write down how to calculate

Median is a statistical term
The median position: when the number of samples is odd, the median = (n + 1) / 2; when the number of samples is even, the median is the mean of N / 2 and 1 + n / 2

What is the median of 13,15,15,15,17,19,18,20,26

Median is the number in the middle of a series of numbers from small to large. If there are two numbers in the middle, take the average
So the median of this column is 16