How much should 0.75 times 5 / 6 plus 1.25 divided by 6 / 5 be equal to?

How much should 0.75 times 5 / 6 plus 1.25 divided by 6 / 5 be equal to?


2 / 3 plus 1 / 6 plus 1 / 12 plus 1 / 15 plus 1 / 18, which numbers are removed, the sum is equal to 1
But what I'm talking about is "get rid of those numbers."

We can't sum up and equal to 1. We can change all fractions into fractions with denominator of 180, so the five numbers are 120 / 180, 30 / 180, 15 / 180, 12 / 180, 10 / 180. No matter how we add up the numbers on these five molecules, they are not equal to 180, so we can't sum up and equal to 1
I mean this No matter which of these five numbers are added, their sum will not be 180 / 180

5 out of 13-5 out of 13 times 5 out of 18
How to write it? It's easy to calculate! Answer it before 21:30 on September 10, 2013, 20 points

5 out of 13-5 out of 13 times 5 out of 18
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5 out of 13 minus 5 out of 13 times 5 out of 18=
67 times 23 / 66=

5 out of 13 minus 5 out of 13 times 5 out of 18 = 5 / 18
67 times 23 / 66 = 23 and 23 / 66

There are four Arabic numbers, the first number plus 3, the second number minus 3, the third number multiplied by 3, and the fourth number divided by 3
This is a mathematical problem, as if the number of words exceeds. I add that the sum of the four known numbers is 96. What are the four numbers

Let the middle number k, then the four numbers are
A + B + C + D = 96, that is, (K-3) + (K + 3) + (K / 3) + (3K) = 96
By solving the equation, we can get k = 18
So the four numbers are 15, 21, 6 and 54

How much is the largest number made up of 2 Arabic numerals 1? The largest number made up of 3 ones? The largest number made up of 4 ones!

Two are 11, three are 111, four are the 11th power of 11

How many Arabic numerals are there from 001 to 100, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9


Arabic numerals 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 / whether it is horizontal / vertical / oblique, the sum is equal to 15. What is its order?

4 9 2 3 5 7 8 1 6 is that right?

For a six digit number, the single digit number is 7. Adjust the single digit number 7 to the highest position. The quotient of the new number divided by the original number is 5. What is the original number?


If a six digit number 12 is a multiple of 88, then the quotient of this number divided by 88 is______ .

If a number is a multiple of 88, it must be a multiple of both 8 and 11. According to the multiple of 8, its last three digits must also be a multiple of 8, so we can know that the number on the six digit single bit is 4. According to the multiple of 11, the difference between the sum of the odd and even digits should be a multiple of 0 or 11. From the known four digits, the sum of the six digit odd and even digits is equal In order to make the sum and difference of the odd and even digits 0, the numbers filled in the two boxes are the same, so there are two possibilities for this six digit number: 124344124344 △ 88 = 1413; so the quotient of this six digit number divided by 88 is 1413