Divide 520 into two groups of numbers. The sum of these two groups of numbers is equal to 520. But these two groups of numbers should have a certain meaning? What group of numbers is this?

Divide 520 into two groups of numbers. The sum of these two groups of numbers is equal to 520. But these two groups of numbers should have a certain meaning? What group of numbers is this?

You choose a number from 1 to 9, and then multiply it by X, plus XX. How much is it? Under what circumstances is it equal to 520?
Under what circumstances is it equal to 520?

Let the unknown be y
Then XY + XX = 520 (y is 1 ~ 9)
Let's talk about the factorization of 520 into 2, 2, 10 and 13
The closest patchwork is 20 and 26
So the difference between the two factors is 6
So (x + 26) (x-20) = 0
So y = 6
Little girl, I was misled at the beginning. I thought XX was a number, but it was actually a quadratic power of X

How many cubic meters is 0.1 cubic centimeter

1 × 10 ∧ - 7-minus 7-th power meter multiplied by 10

The mathematical problem uses a natural number greater than 1 to remove 188283 and 435 respectively. The remainder is the same. What is the natural number?

Volley 0,
Let the natural number be x and the remainder D
188=ax+d ⑴
283=bx+d ⑵
435=cx+d ⑶
So the natural number is 19

The sum of three continuous natural numbers is 51, and these three continuous natural numbers are 51

These three numbers are 16, 17, 18

346.304.563 divide by the same natural number greater than 1 to get the same remainder. Find the natural number

﹙42, 259﹚=7
A: the number is 7

The divisor is 51. The product of divisor and quotient is 48. What is the remainder?


57 divided by 48 is 9, right?


7 ° 40'48 ″ = how many degrees, 12 ° 51'36 ″ = how many degrees

68 degrees, 12. 86 degrees
Hope to study happily!

51 × 48 = 50 × 48 + 48 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; () (judge right or wrong)

51 × 48, = (50 + 1) × 48, = 50 × 48 + 1 × 48, = 50 × 48 + 48