The quotient of a number divided by 12.5 is 2.02, and the remainder is 0.5. What is the number?

The quotient of a number divided by 12.5 is 2.02, and the remainder is 0.5. What is the number?


Divide by 25307, the remainder is one, and the smallest one is ()
It's two, five, three, seven

25308÷25307=1…… one

507 divided by a number, the quotient is 18, and the remainder is 21?
Please teach me,

First, divisor = divisor × quotient + remainder
507 = 18 × divisor + 21
Turn the formula around and use 507-21 = 486
Then 486 △ 18 = 27
A: the divisor is 27
It can also be solved by equations. I won't talk about them one by one. It's the simplest and most understandable arithmetic

4o2 divided by a number, the quotient is 16, and the remainder is 18. What's the number?

This number = (402-18) △ 16 = 24

What kind of Ansai waist drum [17. Ansai waist drum]
1. Fill in the blanks: good one___________ Ansai's waist drum
2. Focus on "good one"___________ At least one rhetorical device and 100 words should be used

What a majestic Ansai waist drum, shaking heaven and earth, ghosts and gods, all things in the world
What a soul - stirring Ansai waist drum, which shocked the people, the country and everything in the world

Lesson 17 Ansai waist drum section

1 to 4 (quiet waist drum)
5 to 27 (passionate waist drum), which can be divided into four segments: 5 to 13 (grand scene), 14 to 17 (majestic drum sound), 18 to 22 (young drummer) 23 to 27 (Qili dance)
28 to 30 (silent tambourine)

The quotient of a divided by B is 40 and there is no remainder. The sum of a and B is 984. What's the format of a and B? (don't use unknowns)

If the quotient of a divided by B is 40 and there is no remainder, then a is 40 times of B
B is 984 (40 + 1) = 24
A is 24 × 40 = 960

The sum of 8 times and 5 times of positive integer n, divided by 10, the remainder is 9, then how much is the last digit of N?

The remainder of a number divided by 10 is 9, which means that the last digit of the number must be 9
The sum of 8 times and 5 times of a positive integer means that the last digit of 13 times of the positive integer is 9
If the product of a number and 13 makes the last digit 9, then the last digit of the number must be 3

Find the remainder of 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 +, + 24n-1 divided by 17
Why use 17-2 in the end?

1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 +, + 24n-1 from the formal point of view is equal to the number, starting from the second item should be even, but 24n-1 means odd, there is a problem

The quotient and remainder of a three digit number divided by 16 are the same. What is the maximum number of three digits

The maximum is 15
So 15 * 16 + 15 = 255